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  1. At first I wasn't really into getting another large zane mech, but the description makes it sound really fun. The characters featured on it are perfect, since they all use white, and Sora and Pixal both share the dark blue color. The most interesting part is how Riyu fits in all that. But I guess we will see about that when the time comes, since I expect that a bit later we are going to get more detailed descriptions. I'm not that into Pixal coming back this early, I wanted for the previous side characters to wait a few more season, to give more spotlight to the new ones. But also that might not even be Pixal, since this is just based on some priliminary pictures, and Ras did get mistaken for Garmadon before. Or she could be just not cannon the same way that Wu was in the Bounty and Dragonstone shrine. Now it is said that the set has 6 minifigures, Since the other charcters are not named, I expect them to be all villains, with 2 generic ones and the main villain. But there could always be more, or less. As I remember what happend with the descriptions for the march wave.
  2. The next magazine issue includes a wolf mask general. With that there most likely won't be more part 1 minifigures (but since before we had the wolf warrior and then more s1 minifigures, so there is still a very small chance for that) I expected that they would include this minifigure in a magazine. The regular version would have been so much better, but I didn't expect that, because of these large parts on the back. It's also really nice to get the blood moon sword piece, since the cheapest regular set that this comes in is $50.
  3. The sets sound quite fun as usual for the theme. I'm not sure if I'd want to buy more sets from this theme, but if they are really great then maybe I'd consider that. There also might be an image of 71487 already out. Since the same person that posted the sets list also posted a image featuring a lot of small Z-blob vehicles. The builds include a scorpion, car, mech, drone, jet, creature on 4 legs, as well as 2 other builds from which you can only see a bit of. The set seems really small, the builds feel like polybag size builds, but there should be more stuff since there should be some extra parts to make the other builds, as well as a Mateo minifigure and a villain build or minifigure. So I see this being a $10 set, and that would make sence since this is the first set from the list. Also I think that Zero might be Zoey.
  4. This description doesn't really give us that much, but that could also mean that we might get the descriptions for the other sets soon. from what we got the set sounds quite fun. Now it could only depend on the quality of the builds, since the detached jets might look incomplete or the main one could look quite weird. But let's just hope for the best. Now I'm not really sure on how their colors could mix, but since Ras doesn't really have a consitant theme to him, so he could also have the other character's main color. While we don't know what minifigures are included, I've got my own predictions: Ras, --- , Sora, Cole, generic villain. Cole is there because of the fact that Ras's main weapon is a hammer as well.
  5. The magazines are basically anywhere where there is a section to buy press, at least most of the time, that could depend on the size of a store. Like a medium size convenience store might have them, but the selection there could be limited. The best option are big super markets or malls that inside could have a seperate store with press, there you should have most of the different magazines, including multi packs and comics with previous magazine gifts. Airports also can have a good selection of magazines. But I've never been to Germany, so I'm not entirely sure if it's the same there, but I expect that it would be like that.
  6. The next Magazine includes Climber Zane The climber suits were quite expensive with half of them being in a $120 set, but now thanks to the magazines you can have more than half of them for cheap. With that being said that also could mean that there won't be Jay or Nya(there could still be a chance, but that's like super unlikely). But I'm still satisfied with the fact that I'll have 4 of these suits without buying any of the sets they come in. Now for the summer wave I would only need Sora and Jay and that would be enough for me.
  7. The new set wave feels really great, but I'm not sure if I'd get anything. I really want to limit the amount of sets I buy a year, and with dreamzzz the sets are great, but I have no interest in the show. I've only watched the first 2 episodes of season 2, and I'm just completely not interested in watching more. The only set that I'm thinking about maybe getting is Never witch's nightmare creatures. The minifigure selection there is just amazing, and 3 different build options are fun. What is also stopping me from getting the sets are the magazines, since they are really great, and they get you all the important stuff. The newest one includes the Night Hunter, and the next one will have the new Cooper who is exclusive to the C-rex. I've only got Izzie's Narwhal hot air Balloon, and most of the magazines, and I think that this could be enough for me from this theme.
  8. Now that was just terrible to have all the episodes release this early. If it was at least from ep 11-15 like it was with s1 part 2 it wouldn't be too bad, but this is going to completely ruin the excitment with the new teasers that we get. I've seen all of the new epsiodes, but I'm going to watch them when they release officially. I'd also recommend to do the same for anyone that has seen these, to support the show. With all that I have to say that part 2 was really great overall. I'd say that I prefer s2 to s1. I was worried that the story would be rushed, since we have 2 different plots combined in one season, but it was fine and I didn't have any problems with that. There wasn't anything that relates to the set names that we got, But there is The Boys s4 finale level of new plot points for which you can't wait to see how they go. Now for some spoiler stuff
  9. The next Legacy magazine includes Mech Lloyd and an Imperium Claw general without the armor. It was just the Core magazine at one point, but now after the 3 new issues it has just became the regular current season magazine but with 2 minifigures. I only have mech Jay and Kai, so I'd get this for the Lloyd. The Claw general is fine I guess, He doesn't have the armor but that minifigure is not canon either way, so that doesn't really matter that much for me.
  10. So with the new names my biggest issue are the prices. Because this year in the January wave we had so many sets with less then 10c pp, but here they are not good. Not in the level of Arin's buggy or the Combo vehicle but still these doesn't seem great one bit. Maybe they will actually seem better if they have a lot more minifigures or they use big pieces. The gimmic sets - that's really great to have a Sora gimmic, and I want to have every single Sora minifigure, So I could see myself getting this. Now the double pack sounds fun. It's either going to be a villain vs hero or hero and hero, and either one could be great. 71827: Zane’s Battle Mech / 92 pieces / $20 - if it's going to have at least 3 minifigures I could be interested in this, if not I don't think so. 71828: Lloyd’s Race Car / 181 pieces / $30 - I have the Ninja Night Crawler. so I didn't care for the Core Lloyd car, and I don't really care about this one(especially with that price) 71829: Lloyd’s Forest Dragon / 128 pieces / $20 - that sound's interesting, it was quite a while since we got a small Lloyd dragon, and at $20 I might get this.(the price isn't great but it's not too bad) 71830: Kai’s Storm Rider Mech / 333 pieces / $40 - the name doesn't really give us much, It might be like the Kai's mech rider. But this is the 5th Kai mech that we got since 2022. 71833: Ras’ Storm Jet / 510 pieces / $50 - That's the set that I'm the most interested in. It's amazing to get a villain vehicle, especially with over 500 pcs. And that confirms that Ras would still be around for the next season, which I think is great to have the same villain for so many seasons, that really shows the serialization that they wanted to do with DR. 71834: Zane’s Ultra Combo Mech / 1187 pieces / $100 - That sounds really weird, but also quite fun as well. So I see this being smaller Zane vehicles that combine into one. There could be one main bulid, and there rest would have to be just drones. I have Zane's titan mech, but I didn't get the Combo mech(which I kinda regret now) and I do love the concept of a combo vehicle, So maybe(and that's a Big maybe) I could consider getting this(that could also depend on the minifigures) 71841: Dragonian Storm Village / 305 pieces / $40 A location set is always great, It's more then half the pices of the Keeper's Village so it's even less of a village, but stil it could be great. So I do have some story speculation from that. Since there are some Storm focused sets, and Jay is said to be evil, so he might be a big villain for this season. And that would be great to see. What helps that is the fact that there is the gong of shattering and when someone is wearing the wolf mask it gets rid of all the good in you, so that could work. Also I don't think we are getting a March wave since there is quite a lot of sets here and there are some bigger sets as well. But there is most likely one more set in this wave since 71832 is missing and the Lego store exclusives are always revealed later.
  11. The next Magazine will include Lord Ras. I have zero interest in this, and I would have prefered any of the climber suits. But I have to say that for anyone that doesn't have that Ras this should be great. So with that the chances for another climber ninja are bare minimum, and I expect them to move to the summer wave after this. There is still a small chance, but a lot of the set waves only had 3 of the ninja in the magazines(the island, s12, s13). With that the only Minifigures from the summer wave that I would really want are Evil Jay and Sora. That is because of the fact that there isn't a full suit line up this time, and even with getting all of the ninja that still won't feel complete. But I want to have every single version of the new ninja(and I already have Arin from the Source Dragon), and that evil Jay is just really great to have. Still with that if any of the Tournament ninja would show up in that I'd still get them, because I still really love these suits.
  12. mantax

    Ongoing Transformers Rumors and Discussion

    Transformers fandom term used for when you have to detach a part for the transformation.
  13. mantax

    Ongoing Transformers Rumors and Discussion

    From the official reveal and the in-hand videos I'm more of a fan of the Lego Bumblebee. The Car mode looks just excelent for me(it really shines in the image with the guy holding it in his hands), it's even on the same level as Optimus. It might not be that accurate to G1 but I'm personally just a fan of Transformers as a franchise overall with like all of the different iterations(except for only that one that nobody likes either way). So I only care for him to be just recognisable as G1 Bumblebee enough. The stuff that I'm not a fan of in the model would be the parts-forming and the back pack when you add the front windshield(without it it's totally fine). I even don't think that the legs look bad(maybe in the box art it doesn't look that great, but in-hand it just feels alright). Now I have to say that Prime was just so much better then Bumblebee. With weapon storage that looked great on the vehicle, and no necessary parts-forming, with the only flaws with him being a bit fragile at the waist and neck. So now with it being fully reveald I still have the same opinion of this set as before, that being that it's great(even with some flaws), and I'm definitelly going to get this. Now I do expect that Bumblebee would sell better then Optimus, since the main problem with that set was the price. So from what I saw most TF fans didn't get him mostly because of that, but with Bumblebee being only $90, I actually see this set selling better, and with that we might get more lego transformers. And with that I'd expect that the next Lego transformer would be a Decepticon. While Megatron is the most recognisable, his transformation feels a bit too complex. So I would reather see it being either Soundwave or Starscream, since they don't seem too comlicated. Of course that is if we would actually get more of these.
  14. mantax

    Ongoing Transformers Rumors and Discussion

    From the new images I think that Bumblebee looks great overall. He does still have some problems with the wheels on the shoulders and some stuff on his back, but that's not really that much of an issue for me since while it's not super accurate to his g1 appearance,he still looks solid(especially in the life style photos). Especially when the alt mode is this great, and it even has opening doors. The transformation appers to be a lot more complex then Optimus, and that's absolutely great for me. Prime was great as a desk toy to just mess around with when I was bored, but this one I think will be much more enjoyable because of the smaller size and the bigger complexity. Now I do see one massive problem with this set. That is the fact that you have to remove the front windshield while transforming. From the back of the box it appers that it's able to be stored on the back, so that's at least a bit better. But either way even with that I think that the set is just great, and I'm definitelly going to get it.
  15. mantax

    Ongoing Transformers Rumors and Discussion

    I didn't relly expect Bumblebee to look as great as Optimus in robot mode, because his transformation isn't that simple. But overall I think he looks great. I've seen better looking mocs of him that also transform, but you also have to remember that official Lego models need to fit a certain quality standard with it not being too fragile. He appers to be more complex then Optimus, so I'd be really interested on how the transformation works. Especially how the legs work and where is his front windshield in robot mode. Since I con't see it from this image, so that might be somewhere on the back. From first impressions the set looks great to me, and I'd be definitely getting this at some point.