
Eurobricks Vassals
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About maramsp

Spam Prevention

  • What is favorite LEGO theme? (we need this info to prevent spam)
    Lego is lego, so i like almost everything
  • Which LEGO set did you recently purchase or build?
    Bought the friends barber for my little nephew

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Making music (drums (metal drumming) keyboard, guitar)
    Everything related to computers (gaming, hardware, tech etc)
    Funfairs, theme parks, slides in swimming pools.


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About Me

Hello there,

I'm Martijn, hailing from the netherlands, was born in '85 and because our dutch tv show Lego Masters, I got interested in lego again, which i haven't touched since my child years.

But seeing what can be made of lego on the two seasons we had here in the netherlands, I became very interested again, and if i'm dreaming big, I have a big collection of lego seeing myself 10-15 years from now, as I always liked buiding stuff, wherea's its building pc's, in the past building stuff from wood, and the last year i build stuff with knex.

So, to pickup lego again was only a matter of time thanks to the tv show :)

But as of now, this line o text is becoming a bit long. So for now, I think this is a good "about me" isnt it?


Mara (thats my nickname, Martijn is my real name)