
Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by onzenuub

  1. Pitty, should have been a Red Bull F1 car.
  2. Thanks for the instructions. What kind of string did you use?
  3. If the metal would be thicker you could build a real size one.
  4. Did buy these last year, the same as Lego hose: https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/4000843248465.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.5.76bf7709KVxMSb&algo_pvid=76d355a8-3ad3-4d4d-92af-fb4826c5c8ed&algo_exp_id=76d355a8-3ad3-4d4d-92af-fb4826c5c8ed-2&pdp_ext_f={"sku_id"%3A"10000009107952793"}&pdp_npi=3%40dis!EUR!1.4!1.08!!!!!%402100b18f16802965632645591d0702!10000009107952793!sea!NL!163161168&curPageLogUid=OLW6P2L3UIKh
  5. Why not a word form the CEO of Fortonic . It is his trade. it is hert workers. So let's hear from hi whart is realy going on.
  6. I found this MOC at Rebrickable, it's a production of @schwaiwal and @technicbasics (who did the instructions). It is a huge, very huge MOC. From Rebrickable: Technical data:Number of parts: 11258 including 2332 rubber connectors (45590)Length: 105cm (131 Studs)Widht: 32cm (40 Studs)Hight: 40,5cm (51 Studs)Highest point when the shovel is raised: 64cmWeight: approx. 9kg The motors get the power from 4 x Buwizz 2.0. Further details: Compressor unit with two pneumatic pumps powered by 2 buggy motors, Remote controlled pneumatic valves via servomotors, Inline 6 cylinder engine, with a 120° offset crankshaft, valve lifters and rocker arms, Micromotor that generates a realistic turning movement of the steering wheel during the steering movement, Swing axle at the rear, pneumatically sprung driver's seat 3 spare Buwizz connectors so nothing stands in the way of future lighting installations. It did take me several months to collect all the parts, and now I am well on my way with the build. The build is great fun and sometimes a challenge. Some pictures from the machine up to now:
  7. Figuring how to set everything in the buwizz app end with the Xbox controller.
  8. Finished the bucket and mounted it (after properly fixing the bricks :D ) and the build is almost done (I think). For size of the thing look at the minifi standing on the stairs.
  9. Where did you get the lights? Lego or…..?
  10. Eagle eye that is my mistake. In the instructions it said nr. 4, I however used the nr. 5
  11. Made some more raling today and the exhaust pipe.
  12. Yes, it works fine up to now. Like in this film, made by the guy who designed it.
  13. Noticed that pics got deleted. Why? I don't know. Could post some pics again.