
Eurobricks Knights
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About TeddytheSpoon

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    Star Wars
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    6709 Sonic Stinger (with working lights and sound!)


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  1. TeddytheSpoon

    Brick Train Awards 2024

    Small question on the eligibility dates - I see in the FAQs it goes back to September 1st 2022, does that mean the models need to have been completed before September 1st this year? Or is September 30th the cut-off? Say, if someone has a consist that's still work-in-progress...
  2. I'm not sure that's how it works; I presume LEGO's licensing fee is done on a periodic/lump sum basis, rather than set-by-set. There might be something extra for using a particular actor's likeness, but again, I would assume that's built into the licensing deal. With fewer minifigures there might be less printing to account for though. I quite like the midi ships and the helmets, but I do think they're in danger of oversaturating the line with that sort of set. I'd much sooner have more system scale sets.
  3. To be fair, I think that's more of a reflection of general consumer attitudes - LEGO and maybe Hasbro apart, the toy industry as a whole has been shrinking for a few years now.
  4. +1. I love the helmets and midi-scale ships (even if I'm yet to pick up any of the latter yet), and I can see the appeal of the dioramas even if I don't particularly want any. But a brick-built logo set sounds incredibly boring to me.
  5. TeddytheSpoon

    Everything Star Wars [SPOILERS]

    I didn't get the sense they were indoctrinated against the Jedi, more so that they were just taught the ways of their own Force religion (which aside from the darker magical elements, doesn't seem that far removed from the Jedi). And if that one thing is all you know, but you have doubts about it, then the first different thing that comes along - particularly in such an isolated community - is always likely to have some sort of appeal. I don't find it so unusual, after all it's certainly not the first time a Star Wars character gets disillusioned with their surroundings and wants to go explore the galaxy instead.
  6. TeddytheSpoon

    Everything Star Wars [SPOILERS]

    Think I'm over the whole flashback thing now, too... a quarter of this series will have been (essentially) the same flashback. I like the reveals and story elements and Kelnacca being a badass, but did that need to be a whole episode?
  7. I agree with this. Is it JangBricks who uses the 'volume of stuff' metric when reviewing sets? I'd sacrifice detail in the main build for a couple side builds, it makes overpricing easier to swallow. (Of course I'd rather have sets be priced reasonably to start with, but...)
  8. The Night Trooper doesn't look very... Night Trooper-y. Maybe better in person but to me it looks like the helmet needs more gold. I like the Sarlacc's play feature with the flying tentacles though, that's fun!
  9. TeddytheSpoon

    [MOC] World Racers, tribute 2024

    Never thought I'd see a World Racers tribute! Very nice. Perhaps I'm mis-remembering the colour scheme, but could it do with some red or black highlights?
  10. TeddytheSpoon

    Everything Star Wars [SPOILERS]

    I'm still not convinced it's a Sith to be fair. But yea, Sol had a line in the episode (which I know can't remember) which made me go "welp, he's gonna die soon"
  11. TeddytheSpoon

    Everything Star Wars [SPOILERS]

    Episode 4 was fine. It felt like a means to an end to get the characters all in the same place. Disappointed we didn't get to see much of Kelnacca, but Ki-Adi Mundi's cameo was fun!
  12. OK, L3-G0 is really clever. I might have to pick them and Darth Rey up on Bricklink. Both sets look good. I doubt I'll pick them up, but they look like such good dumb fun. I'm glad they made these after all.
  13. TeddytheSpoon

    Everything Star Wars [SPOILERS]

    The spice cream was a little on the nose... I agree that the Mandalorian had me hooked more immediately than this does. Only thing I'll mention is there must be more to this flashback than is being let on. At this point I think we're meant to believe that Mae tried to kill Osha, but equally, all we actually saw was her setting fire to the book. Next thing we know, suddenly there's a massive inferno and everyone else is dead, with basically no explanation. There are gaps here that I think will be filled - I don't think this is the last time we'll hear about what happened on Brendok.
  14. TeddytheSpoon

    Everything Star Wars [SPOILERS]

    I could, but as usual I think it's people wilfully misinterpreting events to suit their own narrative. I'm assuming people are upset about the whole miraculous conception thing, but as you said - it's fiction, so it doesn't really matter I thought the episode was OK! Some fun stuff in there. I do like how quickly they're moving things along; I wasn't expecting a whole episode of flashback, let alone this early on, and I like that it gave us a good chunk of backstory all at once rather than dripfeeding it.
  15. TeddytheSpoon

    Everything Star Wars [SPOILERS]

    X-wing miniatures just posted a model of what the Vector in the show looks like (which by the way - holy crap they work fast!). It looks nice enough and a LEGO set would be cool, but I think I'd still rather have one of the High Republic design from the comics. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GPu_0FyWQAA6oCj?format=jpg&name=large