
Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by Lock

  1. Just a quick idea, not sure if it can be done:
  2. Many thanks for the LDD file. Very interesting, I didn't know that Lego piece at all. It makes the opening very nice. :) My initial idea was to position it in the middle of the "hangar door" (of course with all the greeblings, but I'm not sure if it's possible): I'll start experimenting as soon as I'll finish the internal rooms, and that will take me some weeks/months. :)
  3. @TravisH44 I’d like to have the LDD file as well. An opening mechanism for the ramp is something that constantly bounces on my mind. And I still didn’t find a satisfying solution. :)
  4. Very nice idea! I've just ordered the pieces to create the 4th room (and edit one of the old ones), but this is a very interesting mod. P.S. I love the Haynes manual.
  5. I fear the pneumatic solution makes the panels too high, as I had to fit a 1x1 brick with hole. Not sure if the top cone will fit.
  6. Some additional experiments with the cockpit panels and handles. Prints are limited by LDD ones, maybe there's something better to choose from. I'm not sure if these solution fits inside the cones, as LDD still doesn't have the correct Falcon's one. But I think it's a small improvement from my old one. Any suggestion?
  7. Oh, I see. :) I've never seen this pic, it's a great source of inspiration but I think that, after all, what I call "backrests" could be interpreted the way we prefer. For sure they make a great contrast for background (I didn't realize it was dark tan in your pics, I used tan). I think I have to work a bit more on the panels between seats. I've made a very simplified version, but maybe it can get some more love.
  8. @ClassicLook Your cockpit version is without doubt the best looking one. I'm still not sure about cloches (especially because they take one precious studs slot) but the seats and the back part, that simulates the "backrests", are gorgeous. I had a quick look at my version and, simply changing the front seats, I was able to find a solution where everyone can sit and cockpit glass can be closed: For the moment I'm leaving the black seats because, when minifig are there, they can't be seen much (and backrests still look great), but without minifig it would look a bit too empty. But you can easily switch them with 2x2 tan plate brick: I guess we're not very far from a final, satisfaction version of this darn cockpit! :)
  9. This is a superquick preview: In my mod (it was originary inspired by Blocks Mag ones) the drop down shooter is stil perfectly working. I've just left it "outside" of the room and covered it with one of my black doors. Efferman's stand was one of the options I've took in consideration when I was looking for a place to display my falcon. At the end I've found a nice coffee table and I went in that direction. If you're curious here's all the long story about it: http://www.lemonskin.net/io/10482 I like your approach, that's totally different from mine, but I don't think it would fit well the style of my rooms. I don't dislike studs as floor, it keeps the model very Legoish. :)
  10. Just a quick update on my room reorganization. I was thinking the hyperspace engine, the heart of the Falcon, should have more importance, so I've built a new bedroom and added a bit of mechanical and pneumatic greebling all around it: I'll share the project file once I'll reach a final stage I'll be happy about. :)
  11. @HarpoonMilitia Good news, I've found the file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jdyrxbn0crk4wfb/75192 AMM - 2017-11.lxf?dl=0 Just keep in mind it's an old one and, since I've modified some parts here and there when I've realized it (to fit it better) without updating the project, it could require some adjustment.
  12. I’ll have a look at it but I don’t think I’ve kept it. You can see some details in this article: http://www.lemonskin.net/io/10890 (there’s a translation button on the bottom left of the page). Anyway I’m currently working on the 4th room and, for the occasion, I think I’ll change the other rooms as well, because I’m still not satisfied. :)
  13. This topic never stops to amaze me. Every time I think I’m done with my MF someone comes out with new great ideas. I like @ClassicLook‘s cockpit a lot, especially colors (mines are very wrong). I’m a bit busy these days but once I’ll get some free time I’ll start working again on it. I also like ClassicLook’s and @HERMANtheSMASHER’s ideas for the Engine. Maybe it’s time to work again on that detail too. :)
  14. Thanks for the link (and sorry for the delay in answering), it seems there’s a lot of interesting stuff these. :)
  15. You're welcome. :) Yup, it's really tricky, I've lost the count of all the times I've redone it (and I've still one or two ideas to improve it even more, but I keep to postpone them). :) Do you have a link to that review? I'm curious to see more details (even if it seems pretty clear from the pic).
  16. I've just made a quick video that summarizes all the mods I've done to my Millennium Falcon: https://youtu.be/D3SG9cOL5JM :)
  17. There's something in this thread too. Start from here: https://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?/forums/topic/154471-75192-ucs-millennium-falcon-2017-modmoc/&do=findComment&comment=2861184
  18. Yeah, that’s the right spirit! :) My fear was I wasn’t sure of what the result would have been. Now I know I should have chosen your carpenter (or did you build it by youself?). :D What if you dig a small hole on the bottom, so you can place the powerbanks below? That way you don’t need to remove the glass every time you need to charge them.
  19. It’s curious that’s exactly as I’ve imagined my MF table: http://www.lemonskin.net/io/10482#tavolino Then, after two carpenters asked 1000 euro to build it, I’ve searched for an already done solution. :)
  20. @Brick-Surfer Beautiful job, it’s gorgeous. :)
  21. Ok, this is my definitive cockpit version. It works with and without "glass" cockpit and Chewie can sit without removing seats:
  22. After seeing @jbengle cockpit pics I went back working on mine. I never accepted the idea to have two different versions, one with seats and one without (because Chewie is too big to fit in). So, after more than one hour of rebuild from scratch I was able to fulfill all three requirements: - have four seats; - have all four minifigs correctly fitting; - top windscreen perfectly closing. Yay! :D I'm posting rendered pics because I miss a few pieces (but I've checked the real thing with mixed colors and it works); will order them soon. :) More info (and LDD file) here: http://www.lemonskin.net/io/11310#cockpit (The website is in italian but, if you click the small page-shaped icon on the top bar, you'll get a rough google translation). Update: Direct link to LDD file - http://www.lemonskin.net/io/[MEDIA]/[files]/Lego/Progetti_LDD/75192-Millennium_Falcon/75192 - Cockpit.lxf
  23. I was going to suggest to look at the instructions manual to see the dimensions but, yes, I agree your solution is more pratical. Much easier to turn it on and off. :) Congrats, it's a set that gives big satisfactions. :) I've searched for one for a long time, on Ikea and Internet without finding an accettable solution. I've then draw a project and ask to two different carpenters for a price quotation and they both asked (lol) 1.000 euro. At the end I was lucky enough to found an old one (it was built around 1940) on a second hand items website: It wasn't cheap (I've paid it half of the Falcon's price) but it's perfect for it. Since I've seen more than one around I guess there's a good variety of this kind of cofee tables. Just spend a bit of time looking for old stuff. :)
  24. You mean the "unfinished room"? It has the same dimensions of the left one, it just misses the room. It's perfectly specular. :)
  25. Lock

    Raffle: Making a Monster!

    I wanted to build a Lego version of my mother in law, but it would have been too scary. ;) Congratulations to winners, very nice monsters. (Nah just joking, I like my mother in law). :D