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  1. GarmaFan

    LEGO Ninjago 2023 Discussion

    I'm all for representation, but I'm curious how that'll work with modern original minifigures being yellow. Would they start using actual skin tones? And how do you represent mental disability in a toy without a story attached to it? Would some start coming with brief descriptions like, "This is Bob the contruction worker. He has ADHD."
  2. GarmaFan

    LEGO Ninjago 2023 Discussion

    They usually stick to one or two syllable names for main characters.
  3. GarmaFan

    LEGO Ninjago 2023 Discussion

    Yeah, I'm not seeing anything about a character named Wyldfire anywhere.
  4. GarmaFan

    LEGO Ninjago 2023 Discussion

    Set names, yeah, but not really detailed descriptions anymore.
  5. GarmaFan

    LEGO Ninjago 2023 Discussion

    If I'm not mistaken, there haven't description leaks from toy fairs in about half a decade now.
  6. GarmaFan

    LEGO Ninjago 2023 Discussion

    The Royal Family only being figureheads was one of the first things established about them. Harumi wouldn't have had power as empress.
  7. GarmaFan

    LEGO Ninjago 2022

    No one knows yet.
  8. GarmaFan

    LEGO Ninjago 2022

    Insane planning's a bit of an overstatement. Those storylines made more of an effort to connect with each other, but there wasn't much advanced planning.
  9. GarmaFan

    LEGO Ninjago 2022

    No way they'd release concept art of future seasons long before they've even been confirmed. Those ideas were probably scrapped.
  10. GarmaFan

    LEGO Ninjago 2022

    We've seen gold without golden power way too many times for me to think that means anything.
  11. GarmaFan

    LEGO Ninjago 2022

    It's annoying when they make new snake characters, but Aspheera and Pythor are established characters.
  12. GarmaFan

    LEGO Ninjago 2022

    March or April.
  13. GarmaFan

    LEGO Ninjago 2022

    We'd already know if there were two waves releasing in 1HY by now.
  14. GarmaFan

    LEGO Ninjago 2022

    Good to hear, then! Thanks for being transparent.
  15. GarmaFan

    LEGO Ninjago 2022

    The push they got from leadership to make an entire wave not connecting to anything in the ongoing canon for the first time is interesting. Could they be trying to see if the sets can stand without the show, to possibly phase it out?