
Eurobricks Dukes
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About Scarilian

  • Birthday 12/24/1993

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    My favourite Lego theme is Marvel, due to the figures, but Harry Potter has excellent buildings.

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  1. Scarilian

    Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    A lot of Infinity War was focused on the character as opposed to locations and the few locations we do have they have either already adapted, would be difficult to adapt to a set that would sell OR would be more suited to other films. I'd expect a Titan Battle: Thanos (Big-fig), Doctor Strange, Iron Man, Spider-man, Starlord, Nebula, Drax, Mantis. That could wind up being displayed alongside the Endgame final battle stuff they do - as the scene would work well for the other side of the portal. Other than a human form of Vision, every other character in this scene has been depicted I believe. I think our highest change of Heimdall would be a Thor: The Dark World set or perhaps Thor Ragnarok: Final Battle based off the combatants on the bridge - e.g. Hulk (Big-Fig), Hela, Skruge, Thor, Valykrie, Heimdall, Korg, Miek, Fenrir (Brick-built) and perhaps some Asgardians.
  2. Scarilian

    Ongoing Transformers Rumors and Discussion

    The addition of the new piece which Bricklink labels 5652 is definitely set to become a game changer for mech builds going forward, especially when it's counterpart is eventually made and released in sets - would allow for insanely simple mech frame designs and tons of articulation potential. I think it opens the door for the next Transformers figure to be Soundwave, if they continue with the theme, as that piece used for the legs would allow the range of motion needed for the legs to bend around to form the cassette player alt-mode. Hopefully it won't take another two years to get another Transformers figure. I'm waiting for a bit of a price drop on Bumblebee, definitely tempted to replicate the Cliffjumper version. He'd probably need to be a similar size to Optimus,similar articulation, playability. I'd rule out the gun mode, can't see them doing a tank and the jet mode would be a good substitute but it has the issue's I'll cover below... so I would'nt be completely shocked if Megatron ends up being a truck also. It's difficult to describe but I'd guess the legs would be extended in vehicle mode using the 5652 piece for this, while folding over upon themselves for robot mode. Arms would form the front of the tanker where his head would also be hiding. The main cab section would either simple be facing the opposite way OR it'd flip upsidown with the cab windows forming his waist/belt. His gun would be situated on his back in vehicle mode to replicate the cargo/tank on the back. In essence we'd get Megatorn being a tanker truck as opposed to a tank In my mind he's arguably more tricky to do than Megatron. Megatron as long as you give him the G1 robot mode people would probably end up getting him regardless and just not display whatever alt-mode they give him. Starscream is so intrinsically tied to being a jet. Anything with a jet mode would presumably require the alt-mode to be able to handle wooshing. In my view this makes them less likely due to this as they'd need to ensure the alt-mode is extremely secure, otherwise it'd be bombarded with reviews from frustrated parents and children who've had to deal with the set being swooshed only for it to break or lose parts. Soundwave seems like he'd be the next one and our first Decepticon, the playability can come from the casette transformers, an eject feature and the transformation being a lot more simple than any of the others.
  3. Scarilian

    Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    Helicarrier could be an option, we got 76295, Lego when adapting MCU into D2C's sometimes ensures a cheaper smaller version is available for those who can't afford the D2C. 2025 would be the 10th anniversary of Age of Ultron which was the last appearance of the Helicarrier. If it is a Spider-man focused set then I'd lean to it being some sort of labratory given the amount of symbiote variants we have that they could re-use - so maybe if it was Oscorp but adapted more as an industrialized location than a tower. Populate it with characters that have an association with Oscorp along with some of the heroes and then that'd probably work.
  4. Scarilian

    Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. Simple, they want to reveal it officially extremely close to release to try and prevent other companies copying their designs and then undercutting them financially for as long as possible. Armory's sell and presumably they wanted to encourage displaying the suits. The set itself likely only exists to give us Iron Patriot and Killian from Iron Man 3, similar to how we had the previous armory primarily to give us Whiplash and the MK25. Honestly I would'nt be surprised if they are getting ready to do an Iron Man 3 Final Battle set. Could recycle Igor, Killian, Iron Patriot, MK25 and MK42 from other sets and then give us perhaps two or three new suits.
  5. Scarilian

    Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    Exabricks has also remarked on the Captain America 4 set: $55, 223 pieces. Red Hulk (Current mould, movable head), Ruth-bat Seraph, Falcon Torres, Captain America Sam Wilson (New wing mould similar to the CMF). December release date. Small fighter jet build with stud shooters. Iron Patriot is interesting though given that is from Iron Man 3... my hope is that this is teasing the figure will be reused for an Iron Man 3 Final Battle set and/or hopefully a Malibu Mansion set.
  6. Scarilian

    Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    I'm leaning primarily to the notion that it'd be ridiculous for them not to have an Avengers film in 2028 and splitting Secret Wars into two and/or adapting Avengers Forever as a finale seems appropriate given the set-up we have. It'd also make the formula less predictable by ending with a trilogy of Avengers films as opposed to two where as you said, Doomsday would function like Infinity War focusing on building up the villain while Secret Wars would function like Endgame with a ton of cameos and a huge team-up to defeat the villain. Given the context of Phase 4-6 seemingly leaning towards establishing three generations of Avengers having Avengers Forever as a finale would be appropriate as its the bringing together of Avengers from the past, present and future. It's a way for Disney to celebrate everything they've done over 20 years and to promote what they are going to do next in an Avengers movie rather than leaving people confused as to the direction the franchise is taking. It looks better for Marvel if they can reach a 20th anniversary before a reboot of sorts than rebooting just before the 20th anniversary. The core plot that stayed consistent: Blade retired and return due to Lilith going after Blade's daughter to create an army. Mahershala Ali had a daughter in 2017 and was confirmed as Blade in 2019. I would'nt be surprised if the father/daughter plot of the film is part of the reason he hasn't left the project despite the film taking so long to happen. Some actors stick with projects due to them being passion projects. He's also not remotely busy in regards to filmography or shows so no real reason for him to quit. I don't think they've actually scrapped any project yet, at least not one that was directly announced? There's quite a lot of projects we've heard rumblings of being poor quality requiring extensive reshoots and spiralling budgets that they still intend to release regardless that they frankly should be scrapping to keep things focused.
  7. Scarilian

    Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    I don't think a lot of it is set in stone, but in terms of estimating the slate moving forward: 2025 Films: Captain America: Brave New World, Thunderbolts*, Fantastic Four: The First Steps, Blade 2025 Shows: What If S3, Daredevil: Born Again S1, Iron Heart 2026 Films: Iron Man: Armour Wars, Avenger: Doomsday, Spider-man 4, Shang Chi & The Wreckage of Time 2026 Shows: Spider-Man: Sophomore Year, Wonder Man, Vision Quest, Special - potentially Mephisto, X-Men 97 S2 2027 Films: Avengers: Secret Wars (Part 1), The X-Men, Doctor Strange: Midnight Suns 2027 Shows: Daredevil Born Again S2, Nova, X-Men 97 S3 2028 Films: Avengers: Forever (Part 2) Thunderbolts* I'd lean to either two or three sets, quite a few characters they can release including Winter Soldier, Ghost, U.S. Agent, Yelena, Red Guardian, Taskmaster, Sentry, Valentina and Thunderbolt Ross. Fantastic Four I'm expecting two sets, one featuring Shalla-Bal, Big-fig Thing and Johnny Storm with the Fantasticar. The other featuring Mr Fantastic, Susan Storm, H.E.R.B.I.E.and a Galactus build. At its core they don't want to adapt Blade, they want to adapt his daughter as part of a push towards having a Young Avengers team (along with a desire for an all-female Avengers team). That's why it has taken so long because each version of the script is more about his daughter than him, yet they know the fanbase is more interested in Blade. I would'nt be surprised if Doctor Strange 3 is an adaptation of Midnight Sons/Suns and features Doctor Strange, Clea, Blade and some of the other supernatural characters they are introducing in Phase 4-6.
  8. Scarilian

    Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    That SDCC news was... really bad. Sounds extremely desperate and its damaged my interest in the Avengers films because they've demonstrated there's no point being invested because they'll just ditch storylines. May not have liked the Kang plotline, but they've made a lot of time wasted because it's now leading to nothing - and now we'll probably never get Kang as a figure so any legit collection is probably permanently off the table for Phase 4-6. Galactus is somewhat comic accurate though they've given his helmet a symbol that looks like a face in concept art so that could look awkward. I imagine he'll be a large buildable figure like the 40469: Up-scaled Lego Minifigure. It's unfortunate the casting is so awkward for the Fantastic Four that I'm only interested in getting Galactus as opposed to the rest of them. I'd guess it'll have Tony Stark to fit in the Igor suit and Iron Man MK42 because it's inspired by Iron Man 3. Other two figures could be interesting but not gonna hold out much hope as it'd be easy enough for them to recycle other versions of the suits or update the older suits with the new helmet piece. If we are lucky this is a precursor to them doing a Iron Man 3 Final Battle set featuring: Tony Stark, Iron Man MK16, Iron Man MK40, Iron Man MK42, War Machine, Iron Patriot, Aldrich Killian, Pepper Potts and an Extremis soldier. Though mostly I just want a Malibu Mansion set so I can display the core suits, as it was an iconic set piece of the trilogy. I'd expect them to do the Titan Battle from Infinity War, especially if one of the core figures is an updated Spider-man. The figure selection including Mantis and Nebula would pair well with 76286 : The Milano Spaceship. Big Fig Thanos Iron Man Spider-man Doctor Strange Starlord Mantis Drax the Destroyer Nebula
  9. Scarilian

    Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    Could have just done the expected: Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Nick Fury, Black Widow to fit that. I'm not sure we needed Scarlet Witch here as they'll likely have her in the Civil War set.
  10. Scarilian

    Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    NWH/Spider-man 2 Doc Ock, which would mean we'd have Green Goblin, Doc Ock, Venom and Sandman as buildable figures - the core villains from the original Raimi films. Would benefit from having the goggles covering some of the human facial features. Would pair well with 76298 and 76284 to allow people to replicate the bridge battle fight scene. I'm not sure we'd get Lizard or Electro due to lack of popularity and lack of consistent design respectively so Doc Ock would likely be the last of the NWH villains to be adapted. I doubt we'd see them adapt the other Spider-men at this time. X-Men Sentinel, the Sentinel's appear in varying sizes and could scale well with minifigures and would work for display purposes alongside the X-Men Mansion. No humanoid face so won't suffer from that aspect. I think they'd do a smaller Sentinel also as a build in the set, but I imagine they'd want a buildable figure. Black Panther, seems like an easy option to make given the majority of the figure would just be translating the core build of 76273's Batman and the abundance of black pieces which can form the core of the suit. I think the character is still popular enough. The design would probably be his suit as seen in Civil War, the first appearance of the character. Mask would reduce reliance on human faces which Lego has difficulty adapting to the buildable figures: Runners up would be: Ultron - For the 10th anniversary of AoU, giving us a core villain from the Avengers films. His robotic appearance could translate in interesting ways and he'd pair well with the existing Avengers characters, but which version of him to adapt and his facial design would be tricky to choose. Galactus - With the release of Fantastic Four in 2025, I'd imagine any Galactus set or figure would be relegated to the later half of the year. Though I do think the potential for a buildable figure of the character is high, depending if Lego recieved finalized concept art in time for the design - unless they went comic-inspired.
  11. Scarilian

    Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    Bit underwhelming I guess. Kinda hoped we'd get more of a second half of the AoU theme, sure we've had enough Hulkbusters for a while, but it would have been nice to see more sets based on the aspects we've not recieved in ages. Maybe we'll get them in Summer but giving us the Civil War Airport Battle set in January feels like closing the door on AoU. I'd hope the Iron Man mech set with Ultron is the Ultimate Ultron from AoU, would be nice to have an updated version - could easily be based on comics though (not seen anyone state it as a movie-verse version yet) It's neat we're getting something other than just normal venom and venomized by getting anti-venom, maybe the popularity of the playstation games helped in that regard. I think it'd have been fun to give us the five symbiotes, the wacky colour schemes could help make the Venomized sets more interesting. May pick up the Ultron figure but not really much that I'm invested in for January, suppose it'll give more time to save up for the later waves.
  12. Scarilian

    Sonic the Hedgehog - Rumours and Discussion

    2023: Sonic, Tails, Amy, Eggman 2024: Knuckles, Shadow, Rouge, Super Sonic 2025: Super Shadow, Brick-built Omega, Metal Sonic, Big (Big Fig) & Froggy 2026: Cream & Cheese, Silver, Blaze, Super Silver (Anniversary of Sonic 06, tie-in with Sonic Movie 4?) This would allow us to complete Team Sonic, Team Amy and Team Dark, we'd have the three primary super forms and we'd also have a secondary antagonist in the form of Metal Sonic. If it continues past 2026 then probably would do Team Chaotix followed by the Babylon Rogues. I'd guess they are: A set featuring Super Shadow, Sonic and an antagonist with a brick-built creature/mech/vehicle (probably Metal Sonic or Biolizard) to pair well with 76999. A set featuring Rouge and a Brick-built Omega (Rouge has not been featured yet in a second set yet). A bust of Sonic's head (Would pair well with 77000 which is believed to be a bust of Shadow's head)
  13. Scarilian

    Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    Expectations would be that it looks like the AoU: Avengers Assemble set, but has the additional set in the style of the NWH set to feature Giant Man. Cannot picture them giving us all 12 characters in a single set. $100 set - 8 Figures & a Micro-fig: Captain America, Scarlet Witch, Winter Soldier, Hawkeye, Micro-fig Ant-Man, Iron Man, Vision, Black Panther, Black Widow $30 set: 3 Figures & Buildable-fig: Giant-Man (Brick-built), Ant-Man, Spider-man, War Machine
  14. Scarilian

    Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    I agree the theme is not on the edge of extinction, but the viability of the movie-based sets is tied to the success of the movies. If the movies do not start resonating more with audiences then we could see more times where Lego reduces the number of sets or potentially skips making playset based on the movie - e.g. reduction or lack of more tie-in playsets released alongside the movie. Ant-Man 3 only had the buildable figure, Captain Marvel 2 only had the spaceship set, Deadpool 3 is likely getting skipped due to content reasons and Captain America 4 is seemingly only getting one main set with the others sets buildable figures or brickheadz - which hint more to Lego trying to branch out of the playsets OR tailoring those specifically to adult collectors with the 'final battle' style sets or D2C's - which may explain the insane prices of some sets.
  15. Scarilian

    Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    I'd imagine he gets one eventually, they can probably just bundle him with a buildable Dormammu and Doctor Strange and it'd sell. Seems like everything is stickers... so it's an easy pass from me, can probably make my own from the pieces I already have.