
Eurobricks Vassals
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About masdcw

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    Star Wars

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  1. masdcw

    LEGO Ninjago Movie Videogame

    I had to restart, because it didn't unlock the last Ninjacoin to complete the skill tree... And upon replaying I didn't received the High School Cole bag to unlock him, but lucily he was available with a code, so I could unlock him this way to complete 100 %...
  2. masdcw

    LEGO Ninjago Movie Videogame

    Does anybody know a list of the characters and their abilities? And where you can find P.I.X.A.L.?
  3. So how much time does it usually take between ordering and them sending it out?
  4. masdcw

    LEGO Dimensions Discussion

    Are the 3 new sets available on Shop@Lego already? Can't seem to find them on the Dutch site...
  5. masdcw

    LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors

    You US people know it also goes the other way around right? Mostly with the DC & Marvel Superheroes stuff... Where the US usually gets them in January, while over here we usually get them in March/April!
  6. masdcw

    LEGO Dimensions Discussion

    The Dutch version of Shop@Lego don't seem to list the Fantastic Beast storypack any more... They did last week when you weren't able to order yet, but now it seems to have disappeared...
  7. masdcw

    LEGO Dimensions Discussion

    I was just able to finally download the new content...
  8. masdcw

    LEGO Dimensions Discussion

    I've got the B.A. Fun Pack and it isnt working yet... According to JayShockblast on YouTube it seems to be working on all systems... Except X-Box One...
  9. masdcw

    LEGO Dimensions Discussion

    Yeah... Can't seem to be able to download the new content either... I've can get to the new hub-Island... but nothing happens there... And I dont seem to be able to download the new DLC... On Xbox One btw...
  10. masdcw

    LEGO Dimensions Discussion

    Maybe the LBM storty pack will include a Bruce Wayne minifig, which can change into Batman?
  11. Anybody else having problems downloading the Jabba & ESB character packs? They are listed as being available on June 28, but I haven't been able to download them (on the Xbox One).
  12. masdcw

    LEGO Ideas Doctor Who

    Count your blessings... It's 65 € for the Netherlands... Why is it always much more expensive for us Dutch people?!?
  13. masdcw

    LEGO Dimensions Discussion

    Anybody knows how to use the laser with Zane's Ninjacopter? I built all 3 options, but can't seem to get the laser to work...