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Custom L-Sized Drivers (and other coming)

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Hi everyone, it's been a long time that I've posted something on the forum. A lot has happened in the last year and I've been very busy. First of al, last year we had a really bad start of the year as our house burned down and I lost 95% of my LEGO collection, including all of my train model. I had just started building a model of Portland's Union Station and those were at that moment the only bricks we could salvage. There a video on my facebook page where one can see just how bad it was:

While I'm still not fully recovered from this event LEGO-wise, I slowly started picking up the pieces and designing some new things. Among those, a new version of my Triplex with a hell of a lot more details (will be posting more on that in a few weeks as I start building her). Other things I started looking at were custom drivers. Having my own printer (that luckily survived the fire) I started designing some. From the start  I wanted to do something special, something nobody was doing. That's how I came up with the idea of doing 2 part wheels. One part is the wheel itself, the other is a disc that goes in a cavity in the wheel and gives it the style wanted. Those discs can be in Boxpok, Scullin or whatever style needed, with any size of counterweight. 

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I'm very pleased to be able to say that Im now able to sell these drivers on my personal webshop at

For the moment only the L-sized drivers are on the webshop. Will follow later on: LL, XL, XLL, XXL for drivers and eventually there will also be some custom parts that go with some of my MOC's instructions as well as pneumatic and rigid hoses, valve gear and decals (provided by OKBrickWorks). The XL, XLL and XXL drivers will be 3 part drivers. Basically the same as the L-sized so a wheel base and a disc that gives the wheel it's form but here there's also a ring that can be in any color wanted. For those steamers that have a white wall on their drivers.


So give our shop a look, you may find something you didn't even know you needed

Edited by Barduck

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Oh man, so sorry to hear about the fire, that must have been horrible. Great to see you've already started covering new ground with your lego works.

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