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Everything posted by gotoAndLego

  1. gotoAndLego

    MOC: Limousine

    It looks great, but I have a couple of suggestions. I really like the hidden hinges. Make the wet bar longer and eliminate the street-side doors. Maybe make the curb side doors into suicide doors, so the handles are both in the center and the doors open opposite directions. Maybe make this one of those outragous limos with an outside pool in the back where the trunk would be. PS> I really like your roadster for two.
  2. gotoAndLego

    WIP: Fantasy-Era Church

    In regards to the 1x2 dark grey corner tiles, I would use 1x1 on the short walls and 1x2 on the long. Also scatter some light grey tiles on the walls to break it up a little.
  3. gotoAndLego

    WIP: Fire Station

    I bet you could arrange to tour a real fire station, but in lieu of that look at photos of the modular Fire Brigade set.
  4. gotoAndLego

    City 2010

    I'm going to go with Rickshaws. :D
  5. gotoAndLego

    MOC: New Mannum's New BP service station

    Excellent crash barriers. Looks great now.
  6. gotoAndLego

    SW Concept File 018 [DIY series]

    Awesome. There needs to be a place for Vader to sit and drink coffee.
  7. gotoAndLego

    6-stud Diameter cylinder

    Hopefully you can follow along with this, as I don't have photos to provide. Nor have I tested if this will work. Treating the cylinder and tank heads as separate items, you could connect them using flat plates attached to the backs of the hinges. If you added 1x1 bricks with a stud on one side, 1x1 headlight brick, or that bracket I posted earlier.
  8. gotoAndLego

    MOD: Green MS by Brickilla

    Alternate Builds FTW.
  9. gotoAndLego

    MOC: New Mannum's New BP service station

    I do feel having that 4x8 base jutting into the lane looks off. I think it would look better using 2x wide tiles and studded plates. I like the blue windshield cleaner holder, but don't forget about a trashcan. There would also be some kind of barrier on each side to stop cars from crashing into the pump.
  10. gotoAndLego

    MOC: Chinese Restaurant

    Looks great and I agree that not everything needs to be modular scale, but your model is nice enough that it requires some modular-style detailing like some tiling. I think it also needs a sign that is perpendicular to the front of the building so it can be read walking down the sidewalk. I do feel that if the two building were part of the same commercial development, different tenants but same building the sizes would be very similar.
  11. gotoAndLego


    What muddied the waters even further was that the Naboo fighter was only called UCS because it had chrome pieces and a stand.
  12. gotoAndLego


    UCS is not a specific scale, its a reference to the fact that the model's details and realism are more important that it being a playset. For example, the UCS Deathstar 2 is roughly the same scale as the deathstar playset; and the UCS Tantive IV is not the same scale as the UCS XWing. While this could be a playset, its not in the same way that the UCS Tie Advanced is scaled to where it could be a playset, but is not.
  13. gotoAndLego

    Royal Lancer

    Please upload larger images, I can't make out all the details.
  14. gotoAndLego

    WIP HMS ... ?

    The Molly Brown for short.
  15. gotoAndLego

    Moving my LEGO

    I'd take them apart. That way at least you will get some enjoyment out of your situation, putting them back together.
  16. gotoAndLego

    A Steam Punk Paddle-Wheeler, Military Style

    Nice MOC, but paddlewheelers are already steam punk.
  17. gotoAndLego

    How do you keep your LEGO sets in good looking shape?

    Hit them with a can of compressed air to remove the dust.
  18. gotoAndLego

    How specific is your sorted collection

    I'm mostly sorted by brick type, but if I do color (and that's only down to having a bunch of a particular brick type) its usually in two groups, greys and other colors.
  19. gotoAndLego

    Lego Set Budgeting

    I'm primarily into the SW sets, but really will get which ever sets turn my dial or seem to be a good value. For example... I'm not a train collector, but got the Emerald Night for V Day because its cool. I don't buy city sets, but am collecting the modular houses because they are cool and have a great range of parts. Even though they aren't modulars I bought two creator houses because with the TRU sale they were a good deal on parts packs. I git the VW because it was on sale, and a cool set. I don't collect castle stuff, but the Troll wheel is cool. While not wealthy, I earn enough, and don't have kids or a car payment, so I don't have to worry about budgeting sets. That being said, I'm not dropping 500 ion the USC Falcon until its on sale.
  20. So far I'm using some old Lego wooden barrels I just found in a box of old toys (three stacked with a 2x2 round studded flat), but would prefer something transparent and minimal. What is everyone using for stands? Photos would be great. Cheers
  21. gotoAndLego

    Methods of displaying mini/micro models.

    I just stacked three of these, with one of these on top. The mini X-Wing has one on the bottom so I only needed the three barrels. Its temporary as I'll be using one of the trans clear solutions to display them.
  22. gotoAndLego

    6-stud Diameter cylinder

    That's what they use on the Emerald Night, photos should give you an idea of how well it works, and it looks pretty good. It does come in white, which is used on the Freeco speeder for example. The premade 6x cylinder link I gave was wrong, but its what they use for the side pods on the new Tantive IV set.
  23. gotoAndLego

    What made you get out of your LEGO dark age?

    I just thought I'd add that while I stopped playing with them I did hang on to them, in only the way a kid who collects things can. My brother kept all the space and what not we "shared", but I hung onto my Expert Builder sets. After buying that Midi-scale Falcon I broke these out, sorted them and began building. Most of those Castle figs are from the first batch of sets like the Yellow castle and joust where the horses were built from bricks.
  24. gotoAndLego

    Is Green Grocer gone?

    Which also means that Fire Brigade will be available even longer. Well that makes my "FB or GE now" choice even harder. Heh.
  25. gotoAndLego

    Continuation of Modular Building series

    Without any licensing fees we can extrapolate the pricing based off their other high-piece count models. The Taj Mahal is 300 USD for almost 6000 pieces, but those are all very similar colors, while the new Emporium is 150 USD for almost 2200 pieces. Considering the Train Station would have a similar diversity in pieces and colors we're probably looking at 500 USD for a massive 8000 piece deluxe train station. So the question is whether TLG would base its decision on how well the UCS falcon, the only other 500 USD set they make, sold considering these appeal to different demographics, although with some overlap. I think it would be bad-megablocks though, and would be a really cool way to display my Emerald Night alongside my modulars.