tomie satoshi

Banned Outlaws
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About tomie satoshi

  • Birthday 05/06/1990

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  1. tomie satoshi


  2. tomie satoshi

    REVIEW: 6441 Deep Reef Refuge

    ,ost amazing theme ever ... beautifull... nostalgy, nostalgy..
  3. ... even lego designers suck at applying stickers hahahahah just imagine one of the designers crying over the wrongly taped sticker
  4. tomie satoshi

    UCS Sandcrawler MOC

    this is awful MOC... it stinks, its rubbish, its so bad... sorry, but i thought that no one would post these words on this EPIC MOC, so I wanted to see how it looks - bet all members faces were like im-going-to-kill-that-guy when they saw my first sentence.... hahaha great, beautiful creation... congrats
  5. tomie satoshi

    [REVIEW] 20200 MBA Kit #1

    finally decent box enterier
  6. tomie satoshi

    REVIEW: 4644 Marina

    cool classy set, though stickers on both sides of the flag... stupid solution couse TLG had some flags printed with same colour schemes...
  7. tomie satoshi

    10218 Pet Shop

    oaaaaooh! I wanted to be first to post comment....
  8. 36/ Arriving of Sandworm by Fianat - 1 point 31/ Sharktopus Attacks by chief - 1 point 7/ Temple of Amset Ra by Gabe - 1 point 23/ Serpent Ruins by Siercon and Coral - 2 points 32/ The Final Ruins by Jalkow - 2 points
  9. tomie satoshi

    D2C Contest: Sharktopus Attacks!

    cool! you have my vote!
  10. tomie satoshi

    D2C - The Final Ruins

    you have my vote! its soooo stylish! great MOC
  11. tomie satoshi

    D2C Contest: Arriving of Sandworm.

    hey man your MOC is really cool to me! especially eyes on the sand worm. keep building
  12. tomie satoshi

    Review: 7066 Earth Defence HQ

    You can see the large '71' there on both sides, but next to it, there is a small icon of a snake's head. Underneath the snake is a collection of letters which probably won't make sense to most who buy this set: "NNENN" The snake is a viper, and this ship is the designer's contribution to the popular "Vic Viper" building style popularized by the great, and late, Nate "Nnenn" Nielson. This is a fantastic tribute to a builder who inspired thousands around the globe. -PQ I'm guessing, but don't know for sure, that '71' refers to the year Nate was born. Is there anyone that can confirm this? wow man thanks thats a big fact that should be on the frontpage
  13. tomie satoshi

    Review: 7066 Earth Defence HQ

    i must say that pics you've made are astonishing and authentic, cause whole set is compared with... well... window in this case and with natural lights.... and for the set... i love it really really as much as whole new theme, unlike space police that made me puke myself. GREAT REVIEW