
Eurobricks New Members
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Everything posted by Deathwing

  1. Deathwing

    Starting a LEGO club (LUG)

    I too have been wondering about this, I live close to Louisville, but the closest Lug I have found is Indylug, and that is close to 3 hours away....
  2. Deathwing

    Storage and Sorting LEGO

    I am in the process of sorting all of my bricks....I have already sortrd by color and I am moving on to type/style. Is there any place to find pictures of the bricks like 1x1 plates...etc....on the web to print out...
  3. Deathwing

    Train wreck builds?

    Hello, I have been a long time lurker here, and I am slowly getting my feet wet building a few things. My question however is one a bit unusual, on my way to work this morning(Ft. Knox school teacher) I look over to the small rail yard and there on some flats are some major and minor damaged hopper cars....the trucks to the cars were in gondolas too the front and rear, I am trying to get some pics, but might be a question is, has anyone ever tried a build such as this? Thanks DW