
Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by Manta

  1. I just recently got this amazing pirate set off of eBay, and I am happy I did. It comes with all the pirate accessories a pirate fan may need, and it just plain rocks. 6270 Forbidden Island: The picture depicts the set very well. It shows every feature, from the cannon to British Solider to monkey. I like this picture a great deal. Set Information: Name:Forbidden Island Number:6270 Theme:Pirates Year:1989 Pieces:176 Minifigs:4 Price? My Brickshelf (when moderated) Island: The island is well designed, and looks like my idea of a pirate fort. The only problem is that half of the jail cell, and the stairs leading up to the bridge, are in water. That isn't a major problem though, and can be overlooked easily. Overview The minifigs are placed like they are on the box, or as close to as I can. See if you can find the thing that doesn't belong in this picture, or the picture below: The Picture Below Now my Easter egg is obvious, please don't miss it. This is a good view of the British Solider, and the cannon. The cannon is very neat, but sadly, I have a non-firing one. The bridge is also a nice piece, as are the TWO jail doors included in this set. Yes, two jail doors. It's awesome. Crows Nest The crows nest is basically like one found on a pirate ship. This makes it a great way to get rigging, and a crows nest for a pirate ship. I like how you can have a sword fight staged between minifigs on the rigging. Stairs The stairs lead to the water, which is my only problem with them. The flag is great, and it is on a wooden lance piece, attached to a flag. I like how the flag looks, the cliche symbol for all pirates, the jolly roger. Minifigs and Accessories This set comes with 4 minifigs, a monkey, a parrot, a shark, a boat, a chest with 8 chrome gold coins, and a cannon. I think that this set has a great amount of accessories. Everything Here you can see everything I just mentioned, which I will go into detail about in a second. Minifigs The minifigures are great in this set. The only problem I have is that the British Solider has a standard grin, while everyone else has a cool pirate face. I would have prefered him to have a non standard grin head, but it still is a nice figure. There are 2 different epaulets, a brown one on Captain Redbeard, and a pair of red ones on the British Solider. The Solider also comes with a backpack, and an awesome Shako. This set also comes with 2 flintlock pistols and 2 flintlock rifles, and 4 sabers. The parrot, shark, and monkey are also great bonuses. Accessories The accessories are great, the rowboat comes with 2 paddles. You wouldn't want to be up a river with no no paddles would you? The treasure chest and 8 chrome coins are also great, the booty would make a king envious. The cannon is great, and it is on wheels so the pirates can take the butt kicking to other places, if they can get it off of the island. The accessories are overall very well designed. Conclusion This set is great, and it deserves a gold medal in the 4x100. It seriously is that good. Design:9/10, the only design flaw is that the stairs lead into the water. Playbillity:10/10, there are many scenarios you could with using only this set. Parts:9/10, the set comes with a nice stash of parts, but it doesn't have a lot of parts, especially for $30 on eBay. Minifigs:10/10, There isn't a thing wrong with the pirates. Total:38/40
  2. Manta

    The Penguin's Batman Comic Story....

    Great! You leave the comics off on a great cliffhanger every time!
  3. Manta

    Indiana Jones battle packs in the future?

    That would be terrible, I'd go poor, and sell my house. Unless, there are enough bricks to build a house out of. Then I'm gonna be hpaay.
  4. Manta


    Just keep waiting, and check other sites out.
  5. Manta

    Anyone want more Force Unleashed?

    They'd better.... or else.
  6. Manta


    It looks very good. I saw this on MOCpages yesterday, and now I have to comment on it. Great job, I enjoy your use of pieces, and how it looks like a K in a way.
  7. Manta

    MOC: Rebel Short Range Space Transport (SRST)

    Very good idea, but not the best color scheme. You need to make the color scheme a few colors that work together. You should use light grey, tan, and white for the ship, but not just blobed on. Try to make it look like the ship is an official set. You have a great start though.
  8. I think it is very good, and has a great potential. I can't wait till next time.
  9. Manta

    The Clone Factory - Captain Fordo

    This is very cool. I think you did a great job, and could you include teh prices of the custom pieces you used?
  10. Manta

    Review: 7036 Dwarves' Mine

    I have wanted this set for it's awesome design, cool pieces, and viking torsos ( you didn't mention the viking torsos ). You did a great job on this review as well.
  11. Manta

    10193 Medieval Market Village

    New torso print, wolfpack hoods, cows, a waterwheel, this set has everything. I think it'll be in the $110 range, and it'll be worth it.
  12. Manta

    4915 Mini Construction 3 in 1

    Today we will be interviewing Ronald McDonald, a fast food icon. Never mind, Ronald is going to be in the hospital, so we will be reviewing this set that conveniently fell on him. The set is: 4915 Mini Construction 3 in 1 I think that this set has some nice pieces, and a few decent models in it. Packaging The box really captures the essence of this set, creation. It shows all 3 of the models, and that inspires me to build my own models. Set Information Name: Mini Construction 3 in 1 Number: 4915 Year: 2007 Pieces: 68 Price: 5 USD, 3.52 EUR, 2.80 GBP Minifigures: 0 Theme: Creator Peeron My Brickshelf (when moderated) Parts This set contains a nice assortment of parts, I love the amount of yellow and dark grey. The 6 wheels are a nice feature as well. Great value for these parts I think, it's worth the 5 dollars spent on them. Interesting Parts A nice assortment of interesting parts, including 2 transparent red slopes, a nice glass piece, a lever, 6 wheels, and 3 wheel connector pieces (only 2 shown.) Now let's begin building this puppy! Model 1 This turned out to be my favorite of the 3 models in this set, and you will see why below. Front Well this shot turned out ok, I like how it looks like the claw is lunging out to get you. As for the set, the drivers area is very simple, but it works very well. It features a great transparent piece, which is always nice. Side I like this view, it shows you how the crane is built, which is fairly basic, and looks a little weird to me, a long segment followed by a short segment? I would've preferred 2 medium sized crane segments. Top/Back View This picture shows the top of the cab, which is very bland except for the cone/smokestack. The back's only real feature is the headlight thing. Overall, this is my favorite model, and it earns a 15/20, for good design, but a little bland in some places, and a few minor flaws. Model 2 This model is a forklift, and is well designed, but doesn't appeal to me as much as the crane. Front The cab is made the same way as model 1, and is the same as how model 3's cab will be designed. They are only really changed a slight bit to make them fit on the vehicle. The tires are not attached to the forklift, but I put them on to show it like the plastic container shows this set. Side This shot shows the side of the truck, showing you the back as well, which is made of two connector pieces to give it a slight bit of detailing. It looks good though, and not too blocky like some other minis Lego has designed. This is my second favorite model in this set, and it earns an 14/20, barely loosing to the crane. Model 3 This is my least favorite model, and I can't really tell why, I just don't like it. Front View This picture shows the cab, and a part of the trailer it is pulling. The cab is nothing new, practically the same as the last two. The only difference is that lever shown on the cab, and I can't think of what it is called on a real truck. Side View The trailer is made from all of the yellow plates used on this thing so far, held together by the wheel assembly. It does look like a flat-bed trailer though. It's better than the Butt Ugly Trailer Piece (BUTP) easily. Overall, I give this model a 14/20 as well, it is well designed, and has no difference in points from model 2. Conclusion This set has a great selection of parts, and executes the designs well. Set 1: 15/20 Set 2: 14/20 Set 3: 14/20 Parts: 17/20 Overall: This set receives a 62/80
  13. Manta

    6270 Forbidden Island Review

    I passed through on 3 different reviews.
  14. Manta

    4915 Mini Construction 3 in 1

    It does have some very useful parts.
  15. Welcome to another of my McDonald's reviews. This one is of the 3rd in the series of promo sets ( don't worry I don't have all 8 to write reviews on. ), The Bridie Plane. If it's a bird, does it need a plane though? 2075 - McDonald's Promo Set #3 Packaging The packaging of this set features a great picture with a nice background, which accurately describes the set. Great job TLC, all of the plastic bag sets have good packaging. I wish these sets were still in circulation, especially this one, because it contains a nice amount of pink plates. Front The front shows a nice printed slope, and a propeller to propel the plane. I kind of wish this set was made into a biplane, because I like biplanes, they just look neat. Anyway, this printed piece isn't anywhere near as cool as the Ronald McDonald one, but it still works. No DSS in this set! Side The back is OK, not the best design, but not the worst. I don't like the color scheme in this set, It would be better if the white pieces where replaced with yellow or pink pieces. Set Information Name: McDonald's Promotional Set Number 3 Number: 2075 Year: 1999 Theme: Promotional Pieces: 14 Peeron My Brickshelf (when moderated) The Build This set is built pretty basically, and is vary bland. Pieces The parts in this set are fairly basic, like all of these promo sets. This set has a nice amount of pink plates though, which is what makes this set stand out as a good McDonald's Promo Set. Interesting Parts As previously mentioned, there is a fair amount of pink pieces, which is very good. The set also comes with a propeller, which is a staple for any Helicopter builder. The Base Basic. Move along. The Rest You can see the printed piece in this shot. Move Along. OK, now we are done with that dull build. It was dull, and that is really all I can say about the build, but this set is really a parts set, because of the pink pieces. Dull, Dull, desperately Dull. Very Dull. Dulltastic. Conclusion This set is a great set for pink parts, and not a well designed set. Parts: 10/10, This set has a great amount of pink pieces, which is the strong point of the set. Design: 4/10, The color scheme really kills this set's design. Build: 6/10, The build is very basic, but it is better than watching paint grow. Overall:20/30 Fry Cook Air Force Invading a town near you! Coming Up Next Fry Girl's boat. Until next time: ~Manta
  16. Manta

    2075 - McDonald's Promo Set #3

    Set = horrible, but I have a worse one to review later. *evil laugh here*
  17. Manta

    Halloween 2008 MOCs

    Not until now.
  18. Manta

    Broken Droid Pieces?

    This has never happened to me, but a few of my brother's Super Battle Droid's arms/ legs haev broken clips, which he superglued. The joint where it broke can not move, but other than that it looks normal.
  19. Manta

    REVIEW: 7724 CITY Advent Calender 2008

    This set comes with a nice amount of extras, and rare and useful peices. It also comes with some neat looking figs. I don't understand why they have a coast guard diver on a frozen lake.
  20. Manta

    REVIEW: 4010 Police Boat

    You described most of my opinions, but you mised out on the boat base, which is awesome. The minifigures are also great. Good job WhiteFang!
  21. Manta

    Somewhat Daily Webcomic

    You made me laugh, I"m gonna check back here next week.
  22. Manta

    Hms Hood

    Wow, you have done a great job on this battleship. If you want to finish the railing, I think you can get some off of PAB on
  23. Manta

    Magitek Armor

    I never played any Final Fantasy games, but this is awesome looking. It would look awesome in any army.
  24. Manta

    Tiger tank mk.1,

    My favorite parts of this awesome lego creation are the treads with the wheels positioned perfectly, and the fuel tanks? on the back.
  25. Manta

    7048: Troll Warship

    Parts for a pirate ship, thats what this ship could be called.