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About DannyLAB

  • Birthday December 2

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    Origami, drawing, playing music


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  1. That's the 2022 "transforming" vehicle. Disappointing, as it just flips over showing a different cockpit.
  2. Hi all. Thanks for your comments. What if I redesign a new transformer car that features the same core mechanism (which is my original creation anyway)? D
  3. Hello everyone! Long time reader, but first time poster. My entry might not qualify for the contest, as it's already published in my last book, https://nostarch.com/lego-mindstorms-robot-inventor-activity-book but one of my followers told me about this contest, and I thought it would be nice to share my transforming robot with you! It took me quite a lot of time to figure out how to make a biped walking robot transforming into a real car with steering, using just one motor to transform, and another force that comes for free: GRAVITY. The robot can be remote controlled using the LEGO MINDSTORMS App. AFAIK, I think this is the first LEGO robot ever made that can actually walk (and not just roll on wheels) when in humanoid mode, and drive and steer when in car mode. I used three motors in total, althought the LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor set has four of them. Here's a video of SARKIAP-1 in action Let me know what you think. Cheers!