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About AlaskanBear

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    Star Wars

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  1. AlaskanBear

    Troll Town [photos re-uploaded 04/07/2020]

    The things we do for legos. I been a fan of the trolls when they came out some 12 years ago or so. Was looking online for some sort of MOC as the troll mountain fortress wasn’t really big enough and didn’t do the troll justice. Went to google and came across a few of your pics and said BINGO. That’s what I’m looking for. So here I am and the quest continues till I can PM.
  2. AlaskanBear

    Troll Town [photos re-uploaded 04/07/2020]

    How do you PM? This site tells me I’m allowed 0 messages a day?
  3. AlaskanBear

    Troll Town [photos re-uploaded 04/07/2020]

    Hey so your designs are top notch. I got a big troll army but no where really to set them up. How would I go about getting directions to build this troll village?