
Eurobricks Vassals
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    Pirates of Barracuda Bay

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  1. Quotenotto

    [ENTRY] [LARGE] Caught by the Armada Coast Guard

    Thanks for your thoughts! The coast guard vessel is supposed to be a gunboat and would carry a rather large caliber for its small size. They would act in fleets to secure coastal waters, but are not build for the open ocean. But you are right, for more realistic proportions I should have used a brickbuild cannon. And it should be fixed in a forward facing position. I opted for the Lego cannon and swivel mount simply because of its play value and to emphasize how this vessel poses a threat towards the bigger sloop.
  2. Quotenotto

    [CONTEST] Infamous Steve - Creative Critic Voting!

    Horation He was very helpfull in his suggestions how to take a better picture of my creation. Although I wasn‘t able to use his advice for this contest, I‘m gonna keep it in mind for the future.
  3. Quotenotto

    [CONTEST] Infamous Steve - Building Categories Voting!

    Small Category Sneaking Steve by YellowFrog The King’s Merchant by Marooned Marin Infamous Steve and the Fountain of Fortune by Juhlhaus Quadruplets? by Yellow Frog Mini Imperial Trading Post by SevenDeadlyStreamers and his daughter Sydney Large Category Captain Steve of the Revenant by Sebeus and Legostone The Merchant vessel Margaret Hamilton by Elephant Knight Found Forbidden Fortune by Thewatchman Steve's Treasure Hunt by Kolonial Beamter de Martinez Steve's Double-crossing by YellowFrog
  4. Quotenotto

    [ENTRY] [LARGE] Caught by the Armada Coast Guard

    Thanks, I tried to get a similar look like the Eldorado Fortress background art. The hardest part was actually getting a clean edge on the models, it might be easier with a greenscreen in the future.
  5. Quotenotto

    [ENTRY] [LARGE] Caught by the Armada Coast Guard

    Thanks! My biggest problem with the new lego hull pieces is that they don't get narrower towards the stern as the old ones did. The problem with constructions like these is that you loose a lot of cargo space because of the place needed for the curved and sloped bricks and plates.
  6. Quotenotto

    [ENTRY] [LARGE] Caught by the Armada Coast Guard

    Here is the final update, I edited my post and added a new presentation picture.
  7. Quotenotto

    [ENTRY] [LARGE] Caught by the Armada Coast Guard

    Thanks! This is the rerference I used (Figure 6 from this article): https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Cedar-on-the-reef-%3A-archaeological-and-historical-Southerly/c14a71f9e3acea56879180cf7fb554bbc3772720 Some sloops were actually rigged this way, the bowsprit is attached to the mast in a 90° angle. Because the mast is raked backwards, the bowsprit angles up. This attachement point is usually below deck near the base of the mast, but that wasn't possible for this model. I got he idea for this hull construction originally from 76208 The goat boat, wich uses the same shell pieces in the front. Lego used them for the new Harry Potter Durmstrang ship aswell and I think they fit quite well for ships of a certain size. Starting with those pieces I tinkered with the hull to get a shape where it tapers towards the back. I used a similar construction for those ships:
  8. Quotenotto

    [ENTRY] [LARGE] Caught by the Armada Coast Guard

    Thanks for your comment, unfortunately I can't take more pictures because I am traveling for the week, but I'm trying to edit it into something nice. I am no photographer and honestly not really interested in getting into that kind of stuff, but I'm gonna keep your advice in mind. As for the scene I chose, I wanted to depict the moment before a potential battle breaks out, because in my opinion there is more tention in a standoff, then in the fight itself. Steve is flying the same colours as the armada, but will that be enough to slip by them or are they going to fire a warning shot and stop him to come aboard and inspect his cargo? When is the moment, Steve decides to act? What does he take into account? The enemy has him outgunned by their caliber, they have the larger crew, are more maneuverable and if you look closely at the sails and flags position, you can see that they even have the weather gauge, so what are Steves options? He might try to uphold the facade, try to talk his way out of this situation or surprise them, when they board him. Or is he going to change his course and flee them, as his sloop is faster with the wind? But would he then be able to make his delivery in time? So there is some thought put into the position of the ships, but you are right, a battle scene might have more spectacle. In the past years, i have mostly build larger ships with more masts, sails, decks and guns, so this time, I wanted to focus on something smaller and a lot more common to the period, than large ships fighting.
  9. The factions are at war! The imperial bluecoats try to establish a strong base in the new world, but get constantly into conflicts with the armada, who were the first to discover these rich new shores. Therefore, the bluecoats have declared war against the armada. Amidst this chaos ly great opportunities for all kinds of shady entepreneurs, like corsairs, privateers or pirates. One of them is Steve, smugler by trade, who has been tasked to deliver weapons to rebel islanders. But will he be stopped by the ever vigilant gunboats of the armada coast guard? Steve is flying the same colours as the armada, but is that going to be enough to slip by them or are they going to fire a warning shot and stop him to come aboard and inspect his cargo? When is the moment, Steve decides to act? What does he take into account? The enemy has him outgunned by their caliber, they have the larger crew, are more maneuverable and they even have the weather gauge, so what are Steves options? He might try to uphold the facade, try to talk his way out of this situation or surprise them, when they board him. Or is he going to change his course and flee, as his sloop is faster with the wind? But would he then be able to make his delivery in time? Caught by the Armada Coast Guard Lego Bermuda Sloop and Gunboat Steves Ship is my interpreation of the classic small merchant vessel as a bermuda sloop. The color scheme of the armada gunboat is inspired by the original armada flagship. I only used original Lego sails, down the line I'd like to create some better fitting custom ones, but I don't have enough time for that before the contest ends. For those sails, the armada one will have blue stripes instead of the red ones. There are some play features to those ships, Steves sloop has to stud shooters as swivel guns and the sails of both ships are fully posable. The cabin canopy of the sloop can easily be removed for access and the rudder is moved by the tillar. The mast of the gunboat can be foldet down, maybe it was hit by a luck canon shot or it is just for passing under a bridge? Here are a few more photos of the two ships: Lego Bermuda Sloop and Gunboat Lego Bermuda Sloop and Gunboat Lego Bermuda Sloop and Gunboat Lego Bermuda Sloop and Gunboat Lego Bermuda Sloop and Gunboat Lego Bermuda Sloop and Gunboat Lego Bermuda Sloop and Gunboat I am going to try to edit a presentation picture with a better background, but I won't be able to make changes to the build before the contest ends.
  10. Quotenotto

    [MOD] WIP DnD Tower Restoration

    Thanks! I saw your project for this amazing set: I am absolutely impressed by your plans to enhance this build and your moc-up for the dragon-sized dungeon is already quite impressive aswell. If you'd like, I could send you my stud.io file, if you want to "repair" your tower in a similar way.
  11. Quotenotto

    [MOC] Imperial Corvette

    I have build this ship now with real bricks (actually, quite some time ago in march...) and here are a few pictures. I still need a better camera setup, so here it is on top of my shelf. I also need a better way to make the sails, because ironing resultet in them having this dirty residue.
  12. Quotenotto

    [MOC] VOC Galleon (eastindiaman)

    Thank you very much for that info! Did you print the logo onto the fabric or drew it by hand?
  13. Quotenotto

    [MOC] VOC Galleon (eastindiaman)

    Beutiful ship, nice reference with the batavia. I love how you acomplished the window angle in the top cabin. What exact material did you use for the sails (and would it be purchasble online)? I really like the look of them and only can imagine the great amount of work that went into them.
  14. Quotenotto

    [MOD] WIP DnD Tower Restoration

    First update: I finished my design for a complete tower. Unfortunatly, the new door pieces are not yet implemented in studio. I have not startet on detailing the interior. DnD complete Tower_1, auf Flickr DnD complete Tower_1_2, auf Flickr DnD complete Tower_1_3, auf Flickr I tried to incorporate the designelements of the original model as much as possible to stay consistent with the set.
  15. I really love DnD, therefore the Red Dragons Keep set was an imediate aquisition for my collection. I like the design of the set with all its details, monsters and DnD references. Since I build it, I have startet to wonder, what that ruined keep might have looked like when it was still intact. So I started to experiment a littlebit in studio. Lego DnD Tower Restoration, auf Flickr I tried to expand on what was already there and use the original design features to complete the keep so far. Iam not quite sure how to proceed. Maybe I am going to finish the tower of with some kind of roof in dark blue.