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Posts posted by macaron35

  1. I never understood why actors were so stupid to say out loud what could harm their career...*huh*

    she was part of one of the most popular new shows on the decade and just shot herself in the foot at only 38, her career is done for good... she can still get back to practicing MMA :laugh:

    On 2/10/2021 at 1:21 AM, hondohnaka said:

     link for those who are curious. 

    I personally like the look of it. It’s a bit small, but it’ll look nice with the new TIE, and the general ship seems really nice. The cockpit is an easier fix then I thought; just remove the stud shooters and stick some longer angle pieces on there and it should clean up nicely. It’s no Tydirium, obviously, but for someone like me who doesn’t have one it will be...acceptable. 

    I am surprised he got the shuttle first compared to other youtubers and websites

    anyway, it would have been nice to see both shuttle next to each others for comparison

    but from what i see, the tydirium is still the best... I have to find it now at a decent price :(

  2. for example, just for modding the engine of the millenium falcon, i needed more than 100  1x2 trans-light plates. There are so many MOC requiring plenty of the same pieces.

    Until recently i used BL, but i never could buy all my pieces from the same store so this meant splitting the wishlist into multiple orders, meaning multiple shipping fees. So I ordered most of my needs on and when some items were not available, i ordered the remaining parts on BL, it was much cheaper for me.

    Now i have no choice but using BL only :(

    There was a clear sentence in the emails saying that their decision was definitive and no discussion is possible as they made their mind. So it was impossible to defend myself. I sent one last email asking if i could send pictures of my Lego SW collection to prove that i am building MOCs...

  3. I have several orders exceeding 200 pieces but if you look at the details it's like 20 tiles, 20 plates, 20-30...

    and I have done this a few times because it's cheaper than BL...

    you start building a MOC and you need some parts and for another MOC you need similar pieces, so instead of repaying shipping fees for small orders I prefer to order 10, 20 or more of each part and have some spare just in case I need it in the future and that's how I finally end up buying repeatedly the same parts


    if i had built an ISD you could easily imagine that I would have ordered not 10 or 20 but 50-100 of each pieces.


    in 2 emails lego told me their decision is definitive :(

  4. I was wondering if this happened to someone else...


    Lego just banned me from their website, they are suspicious about me ordering large amount of pieces repeatedly over a short period of time and sent me an email saying it's probably not for "personal use" 

    since when is it forbidden to order whatever we want online ?

    for god's sake, are they aware that they have millions of fans all over the world and that some of them are building MOCs ????


    I especially liked the phrase: we appreciate that you love and support Lego but from now on we invite you to buy Lego anywhere else but on 

    I can't even order official SW sets on their website...

  5. I already had a color issue on Rey's Speeder, one dark red piece was not exactly matching the rest, I asked Lego who answered me that a minor % of pieces could have altered colors. By the way, got this minifig a few weeks ago, no issue with the colors at all so it might be some random production alteration