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    Mines of Moria

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  1. Gorilla94

    Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    I think Fluffy has a 50/50 Chance. Most detailed does not mean most complete. I doubt Lego is smart/self reflected enough to realise that the set failed because the set was pathetic, not because children would not love Fluffy. I'd wait, if he will be in the new castle, and buy the really old moulded one otherwise. Just paint his eyes black or yellow and he holds up pretty well today. It would also be a neat thing to get a cmf Hades with a little Cerberus and a recoour of it as microscale Fluffy xD
  2. Gorilla94

    Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    "compatible with the great hall" - I think the set is meant not the great hall in the set. The duelling Club will replace the poorly executed tables. I don't thi k there will be 2 sets At the same time 100% meant to replace it. You can fill for example the risiculously empty Hufflepuff common room with some of the stuff. So people, who buy all sets, won't throw a whole set into the part box.
  3. Gorilla94

    Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    It will be really interesting to see it put together. I am planning to get a glas table in my living room that works as a display case, when it is done (like some people did with the ucs Falcon
  4. Gorilla94

    Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    @Virginia_Bricksit is very subjective. Some use pieces/Dollar, some pound/dollar ... personally I do not eat them, so it is quite irrelevant to me how many pounds a set has... I am in fact buying licenced stuff for the model i want in my display, so i could not care less in how many pieces I can part it out... I'd also say a printed panel like from the adventurer theme has much more value than 20 standard bricks Lego uses today. For me it is about positive emotion/dollar The minifig sized tumbler was worth it's money to me, because it 100% represents something that emotionally catches me, is gorgeous and the building techniques make it a work of art. The great hall looks decent from the outside. The clouded Skype inside is just a pathetic design (a few printed 2x2 inverted tiles with stars could have made it a a decent sky and for that money it should really be included) the hall feels empty and the tiny tables are ridiculous. Everyone of us could have come up with a superior Common room in an hour than this soul- and loveless filler. The only reason I got it except for the great troll and the fassade, which are not even worth the 30% reduced price I payed, is because of the other sets (boathouse and portion class) being that great and compatible. They carry the in my opinion worst great hall. I really hope that was no mistake...
  5. Gorilla94

    Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    Lego raises the prices each year. I think there will be just the bike with baby Harry and Hagrid maybe on a stand that uses some parts for 20 bucks. There is no way they can do the class in a way that does not absulutely suck for 20. I say it will be about the level of the potions class + inflation for 50. Maybe it will have a little technic mechanism to fold out the students seats, when opening it. Dueling club replacing the stuff in the great hall realky makes sense to me. It explains the really weak Interieur of the original set. The Hufflepuff common room really sucked an was intended to be replaced with Portion class. The toilet with the troll is in fact decent, so I assumed it is intended to be kept.
  6. Gorilla94

    Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    To be honest I am fine with that as long as it is done like those sets - with (for Lego standards) cheaply available bricks, no exclusive figures and stickers I would have to custom print on the bricks anyways, so I miss out of absolutely nothing by rebricking it. I found it much more annoying to have to search for a rare and expensive book to get Percy in his special robe.
  7. Gorilla94

    Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    It will be interesting to see how the motorcycle looks. I have no clue how they will make Hagrid sit on it. It won't be 100% accurate but it would look cute to have it next to his hut in the large Hogwarts display. I am excited how they will do Flittwick. McGonnagall, Dumbledore, Snape... at this point (and especially with that price point) I expect him to be somethkng special. Either a new hat or hair piece or at least printed arms... Hooch would benefit greatly from the hidden side hairpiece with glasses. Neville, Draco and Harry are a given. I could see them adding Crabe and Goyle. We only got them in the polyjuce set as Harry and Ron in disguise, singen the theme came back. I assume we won't get Hermione and Ron in that set. Lego seems to give us a smaller army of the trio this time. Another question: was the last flying car part of the new system? that determinies, if we will get a new willow again, I guess. Do you think we will get a new Fluffy? The last one was so awefull^^'
  8. Gorilla94

    Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    That makes sense. Then I'll kewp my Fingerspitzen crossed for one. Do you think the philosophers stone challenges could also be rebooted? That would take up lots of dungeon space. I am looking forward to the dnd cmf. The printed Black skirt piece should work really well on Voldemort.
  9. Gorilla94

    Dream Lego Licensed Themes

    Same problem as Tweety and Sylvester. Jerry really needs to be a small mould
  10. Gorilla94

    LEGO Fortnite 2024 and on - Rumors & Discussion

    I like the new mohawk piece in tan. I'll bricklink that. The rest... ok for fans, i guess.
  11. Gorilla94

    Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    Thanks, now I found the sceene :) The bald version would have the benefit of being accurate in a classroom sceene. The hat would be neat but we have enough teachers to fill the table in the great hall. What do you guys think? We probably wont get a new Chamber of secrets this castle, will we? Do you expect the sets of the next wave including new classrooms the exact same size of potion class and gaps for them, so they can be swapped out? I think integrating the old chamber below the new great hall would work pretty well with the hidden door, so the balilisk can side out of the statue.
  12. Gorilla94

    Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    May I ask at wich point he actually wears it? I´d prefer a bald hair piece to be honest^^
  13. Gorilla94

    Batman (DC Superheroes) 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    It would be interesting how his half-bald hairpiece looks.
  14. That would be just great. I thought about the Policemen, too :) on the one hand I doubt Lego gives us 3 new characters with special head moulds... on the other hand it becomes a more and more common thing thinking about animal crossing, Sonic and so on... and any headmould needs to be done new... so there is no real difference, if it is Marge, Lisa and Krusty or Wiggum, Eddie and Lou...
  15. Gorilla94

    Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    I had time today to check the condition of the great hall Amazon delivered yesterday... I have to admit, I am impressed. The Troll is huge compared to other big figs.