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Posts posted by Altair1

  1. On 8/5/2024 at 8:38 PM, Blazej_Holen said:

    I Guess Minas Tirith. Since they mentioned tht playscale sets are more fun (see the interview with Rivendell designers), I think TLG go big, probably full slice of Minas Tirith with 800+ USD price point. I think the set will be more focused on overall shape like Barad Dur, since its extremely large. So detailed gate, courtyard and tower with theone room accesible and playable with minifigs and the rest will be scaled down significantly. My guess is 7-8000 pcs. + 20 or so minifigs. Some orcs (perhaps 4-6), Witch King, Theoden, Eowyn, Pipin, Merry, Gandalf, Faramir, Denethor, 2-4 Gondorian soldiers, 1-2 Rangers, maybe 1-2 Rohan soldiers or Army of the Dead soldiers, and possibly Fell Beast + couple of horses.

    Bag End and Helms Deep was already done decade ago. And from what we know, they would go with the path of other unreleased never before seen sets… Edoras is not as iconic as Minas Tirith and Minas Morgul or other Mordor sets doesnt make sense, with Barad Dur released this year. So big conflict scene is inevitable :)

    Fully concur, Minas Tirith is the most likely set coming next year, and I can't wait (whatever the price) !

  2. On 6/21/2024 at 1:48 PM, sebastian666 said:

    I’m not up-to-date on my LEGO leakers / content makers and who is considered trustworthy - but Jedi Bricks just posted a video saying that Minas Tirith has been leaked as the big 2025 LEGO LOTR set. Have any other trusted leakers mentioned this yet?

    Not that I know of. But Minas Tirith is a very likely contender for next year's big set, given the very high demand for this set and the fact we have not had a previous set on the Gondor theme. Hobbiton is possible too of course, but my guess is that it will be for a later year.

  3. On 6/8/2024 at 8:15 AM, Captain Pirate Man said:

    WIP, just started working Barad-Dur into my Black Gate/Mordor section. I previously had Orthanc in there... But it had to go. Lots of work still to do, the big battle is going to take place outside the gate, I moved the minifigs for the time being. I also plan on putting some trans colors over the lava (like in the official set). But I don't have enough of those to REALLY do it justice... For now, lol. 


    Looks nice but I don't think it makes sense to put Orthanc so close to Barad-Dur

  4. 47 minutes ago, Artanis I said:

    Yes, if you were going to make a huge hobbit set it should be Hobbiton, not just Bag End. Include 2, 3 or more homes, the creek & bridge and such. Like the starting area in the game.

    Yes agreed, no point in having a second standalone Bag End. I would be happy to see a Hobbiton set at some point, but after Minas Tirith and Edoras which are for me the next two priorities ;-)

  5. 2 minutes ago, Lordhelmet said:

    Hopefully the quick sell out of the gwp drives some thought for Lego to produce a witch king set.  That GWP is excellent and with some extra push (new prints, new mold for witch king helmet, something extra for the fell beast head) you could have an excellent $40 range set.  That would sell well.

    I think it will only drive them to come up with another great GWP to go with the Minas Tirith set coming up next year (I am calling it) !

  6. But you take the risk of missing the GWP this way, if there are too many people in front of you at the physical store... It is much safer to order on, I never missed a set or a GWP I wanted in 15 years of ordering Lego online. You just need to do it as soon as the set becomes available. I had to stay awake till 1am last night, but it was worth it as the Fellbeast only lasted a few hours before going out of stock..


  7. On 5/28/2024 at 3:08 PM, TheDoctor said:

    Always much preferred this configuration of the two sets combined...
    The 'long gate' version just looks too out of proportion and this version looks suitably LEGO styled.


    I'll have to dig out my two before the big day!

    Same for me, I think it is more faithful to the 'real' thing. Will put it in front of my Barad-Dur :-)

  8. 56 minutes ago, Captain Pirate Man said:

    I'm going to say something that might surprise some, but... I hope Lego does NOT release another big LOTR set for a while, at very least until after they retire either Rivendell or Barad Dur. Sure most people would LOVE Minas Tirith, but let's think about this from a consumers perspective. Lego is about to have TWO MASSIVE LOTR sets on shelves, one is good the other is bad. Do they REALLY need Minia Tirith at this point? I would argue no. I think it's time for sets under $100, to fill out the theme, not another $500 plus set. I'm not saying they should be "playset" style, they could be diagrams, or CMF, etc. 

    What do you all think? Agree with me or no?

    I could not disagree more. I really hope they will continue releasing one big set every year, starting with Minas Tirith next year. This does not prevent them from releasing also smaller sets if they think there is a market for it.

  9. 8 minutes ago, QuiggoldsPegLeg said:

    If we only get the Éowyn and Witch King battle in a GWP, I am going to scream. That’s like the single set that I (and lots of other people) would care most about getting as a normal set. 

    I would not hold my breath on this. These two will more likely come in a future Minas Tirith set.

  10. I really hope Barad Dur is not delayed. In the mean time I have just bought the Dune Ornithopter and I am planning to get also the Milky Way and Notre Dame de Paris. If Lego keeps releasing great sets at this pace, I am gonna end up broke before Barad Dur is released :-)

  11. 1 hour ago, Cyprinus said:

    And I still don't see Minas Tirith happening in a reasonable scale, price or both.

    I disagree, if they can do Rivendell and Barad Dur they can do Minas Tirith! But this has been an ongoing debate in this thread, and everyone seems to have a different opinion about this :-)