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About OlivierV

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  1. Hi everyone! I've recently rediscovered my passion for Lego and Lego Classic Space in particular. As a child I played hours and hours with my LL 928 (which I still have!) and the rest of my space sets like the Mega Core Magnetize and such. I can fondly remember the countless times created my own designs and swooshed them proudly through the room trying not to step on the loose bricks on the floor ;-). And of all the sets I own from my childhood the LL 928 is the one that is engraved in my memory as being the most fun and iconic of them all. Recently my mother gave me a box with all my lego bricks from when I was young and the first thing that I wanted to rebuild was, sure enough, my Galaxy Explorer. And I did! It might look a bit scuffed in some places but I didn't care, this one was mine! All the little scratches on it represent the fun I had with it ;-) Immediately after that I went on the Lego website to see if they had something like that in their vast collection on offer... and while I did buy Benny's Spaceship and had a great time building it I couldn't see myself tearing it apart to build something new or even just add stuff on to make it look even better. Now, don't get me wrong, Benny's Spaceship is great but it's too fixed in what it is. It was time for me too try and do something about it and I started designing my own new versions of the LL 918, 924 and 928. Sadly, I don't own a vast number of bricks but that's were LDD came in! And now, they're finished! (except for the LL 918 redesign, I'm still working on that little ship). First up is my LL 930 Galaxy Explorer! It's a pretty standard build, not too difficult but still fun. The goal was that any child from around 6 years should be able to build it him/herself with minimum help from dad or mom ;-). It takes some styling cues from Benny's Spaceship and from the original Galaxy Explorer to make it instantly recognizable. There are a few "hidden" compartments, one for the "engine bay" and one is a storage compartment. The cargo bay features a science station and room for the rover. It is not jampacked with weapons on purpose. Benny's ship was too battle oriented to my liking so I set the timeframe of all my ships after Lord Business was defeated and space exploration could resume as normal. Total brick count is 770. Then there's my LL 925 Mk3 Light Reconnaissance Spaceship! (I know, the name is to long...) As you can see it's much smaller but retains a lot of details.My first version was without a ramp but someone pointed out that the rover had now way of getting in the ship so I added one. The total brick count is around 300. Let me know what you think about it! If you like my ideas and would like to see them in your nearest Lego Store then please vote for them on Lego Ideas! LL 925 LL 930 Thanks in advance! Olivier V