
Eurobricks Vassals
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About Henk61

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    Pink Floyd, Lego


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  1. Henk61

    Roar from the Wall

    beautifull done! You did a great job! It is a pitty that you can't display it... I think my wife would say the same as your wife!
  2. Absolutely amazing! Stunning! How did you do that? Are those faces real lego heads???? As always you did a very great job by making Lego artworks from one of the greatest bands...you should have a place in a exhibit at the museum!
  3. Fantastic! Great job! You have covered every studio album! My god, if you had to do build every bootleg from PF you would be done in about 10 years or so!!!! Thank you again for this major project!
  4. Fantastic! How you analysed the album! Never thought of that! Fantastic find! And thank you for sharing this with us! Never too old to learn something never from Pink Floyd! A Saucerful of secrets… you build a fantastic album! Thx!
  5. Hi Retro, many thanks for the new Pink Floyd albums you have made with Lego. I am convinced that you have done truly great a job here! Placing diferent layers of lego builds behind each other to crate a stunning Lego PF album cover! Does Lego have a walk of fame?... Euh...Yes?, then your name must be placed there too!
  6. I do love this build! Very detailed and very cute! Nice work you have done here!
  7. You have nailed the 'obscured by clouds' album.... never thought that it could be reproduced with lego... again you've done a great job and makes a PF fan happier….