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No he is not. He is voicing his opinion. Harming your rights would be him breaking into your house and seizing any firearm.

Harm does not have to be physical. His opinion harms me as a customizor, and my creations are threatened on here because he can just go and bash them.

And besides, Itaria isn't American, and neither is this site. So the constitution holds no value here. Plus this is a privately owned site not owned by the government, which means even if we were all American here, the constitution would still have no value.

You just agreed with us. If TLC says: Modern Day Warfare is not our focus, then Brickarms goes against the focus. Why? Because Brickarms is modern weapons. It is not a LEGO product, but is still against the LEGO Company's focus.

Nice try.

The Lego Company says that their focus with their product is not Modern Day Warfare. BrickArms, not being an affiliate of Lego nor under their property, is not part of the company and therefore the focus does not have to apply to them, nor does it affect Lego's focus because it is not a Lego product.

Not to mention, anyone can do whatever and build whatever the hell they want with Lego. Deal with it.

No he didn't ask for your opinion. You are talking about the first post. When Itaria said he didn't ask for your opinion, it was in response to your "unjustified" comment. Read what the other side is actually saying?

Doesn't matter. The topic asked for it. If he didn't want it, he shouldn't have made it.


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Let's stop the hate here. A discussion is one thing but this is an argument and it got out of hand.

JohnPaul and Omicron, you guys need to stop this behavior. This is not what EB is about.

That'll be enough for now. Thank you.

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