Dutch Thriceman

Elden Souls (a Fromsoft inspired Figbarf)

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When Elden Ring released I got inspired to make a Fromsofty figbarf, original Dark Souls is one of if not my all time favorite videogame. So here are 10 starting classes, which class would you pick?


Dragonslayer Knight - Belongs to an order of royal knights of the realm, whom specialized in the slaying of dragons.

Herald of the Hawk - They say that a nearby Kingdom has been taken over by the White Hawk, heralds have been sent forth to announce their conquest!

Mercenary of the Twinblade - Sellswords belonging to the Twinblade school of swordmastery, offers his services to the highest bidder.

Big Hat Bogan - Everybody knows the power of a sorcerer is dependend on the size of his hat, or is that just a rumor?

Cleric of the Sunlion - The church of the Sunlion travels the realms spreading the faith, as tokens of divine proof ordained clerics perform miracles of all sorts.


Spider Clan Bandit - A common ruffian belonging to the Spider Clan, bandits are detested by most folk but reknown for their strength.

Warrior from a distant land - Strange warrior from a distant land, skilled with both blade and bow, not much is known about these distant lands...

Rogue of the Whisper Blade - Whisper Blades are even more reviled then bandits, known as skilled thieves or assassins.

Boglands Pyromancer - The boglands are so dangerous, most of the tribals who live there must be skilled in pyromancy just to survive it's treacherous nature.

Depraved - This deprived hollow soul carries nothing but a wooden club and is dressed in nothing but a loincloth, viewed as unskilled and weak to most, some claim the poor depraved to be the strongest of all the wandering acursed souls.

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