Prime Brick

Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Prime Brick

    Arkham Asylum 2

    this game is gonna be
  2. Prime Brick

    Eta-2 JSF

    Nice work
  3. Prime Brick

    Peace Sells...But Who's Buying?

    That is truely Da Bomb
  4. Prime Brick

    LEGO's lightsaber choices

    It would be cool if there would be different shades of the same color. Example: Kit Fisto's would be dark green, as oppoesed to Yoda's brighter green lightsaber.
  5. Prime Brick

    Z'Dyac Rhyders

    Pod Rhyder Landspeeder is
  6. Prime Brick

    Review: 7931 Jedi T-6 Shuttle

    That is a printing fail on that Shaak Ti 'fig.
  7. Prime Brick

    Endor Vig

    Thats priddy good Imagine if that was offical set.
  8. Prime Brick

    Star Wars TTfigs

    I that Darth Vader battle damaged figure
  9. Prime Brick


    Darth Snaper
  10. Prime Brick

    Commander Fox's Clone Outpost WIP

    I like this. It has priddy good design overall, atlest I think so...
  11. Prime Brick

    [Review] 7930 Bounty Hunter Assault Gunship

    The ship is very sleek I like the 'figs too.
  12. Prime Brick

    Review: 7931 Jedi T-6 Shuttle

    I bet if they got rid of Anakin and Obi-Wan and less peices used on the cockpit, the price would have gone down...
  13. Prime Brick

    MOC: Zoo/Botanic Garden ZOOTANIC ? :)

    11/10 great job!
  14. Prime Brick

    [MOC] HJR's AT-XT Walker

    That is very realistic AND accurate, a very good combination if I do say so myself.