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Posts posted by reideen1313

  1. (If this belongs in community or the events section, I apologize - I figured since it was Bat related, it should go here.)

    Just a heads up to any and all LEGO fans planning on attending the BrickSouth event in Atlanta GA. (This event takes place April 27 - 29, 2006)

    There will be a new community building event - similar to the Space Moonbase, Trains & Town building events -to build Gotham!!

    Since the new sets should be rolling out onto shelves shortly before that, it would be a great idea to start building now with your existing bricks. We've established a 'community standard' so that everyone's sets fit together. Here's the rules:

    Gotham Standard:

    All buildings would be on bases that are multiples of 8 studs per side. This will allow common baseplates to be used - such as those from Harry Potter, Knights

    Kingdom, future Batman sets and Shop @t Home.

    Buildings are to be set off the edge of the roadway. The three pegs from the edge of the roadway would act as a sidewalk space.

    Protrusions from buildings must come off the front - not the sides or back - to allow for city building. Also, someone must make corner pieces.

    Adult builders/Lego Master Builders could design skyscrapers for center of Gotham. Again, using bases with multiples of 8 pegs per side.

    Height should be 6 bricks high

    Colors to be used:

    Dark Grey (bley? - maybe someone more familiar with LEGO could shed light on this for a newb like myself?)



    Let's see what you can create!

  2. Great news by the time the BatMan Sets Come out(April-August) ill have Enough $$ for the sets i want

    wich are "Two-Face Escape" and"The Jokers Ariel Attack"

    I can so imagine Joker pulling of some prank involving bare-chested mermaids ^^^



    p.s.: watch your spelllllink. It's "aerial"...

    Unless Joker is attacking Ariel from Little Mermaid.... :biggrin:

  3. I can confirm that LEGO is working on some .... more traditonal LEGO properties that many fans will be very excited to see. That's honestly all I can say right now on that.

    So on long terms TLC will really be going back to their roots? After all those official contrary statements (No licenses, More licenses, Back to the brick, Lets do manga,....... :glare: ) I really would like to get some realistic statement on their course.

    I think that's a fair question. My take (and this is purely my take, based on what I saw and heard while in Enfield) is that LEGO is trying to do both. Balancing licenses (Batman, Spongebob, SW and Avatar) with in-house properties, such as KK, Vikings, Dinos, Exoforce, etc, to appeal to everyone. You're going to continue to see licensed properties. They're a fact of life - they sell well. Classic LEGO - cities, space, castle, etc, are still alive - both in the in-house stuff, like KK and Vikings, but also in the licensed stuff. Many people have noted that the Avatar ship could be a generic ship. Harry Potter stuff *could* fit in with castle builders. SW fits space. Batman (I think) will eventually put out sets that will appeal to city folk.

    Does that make sense? Does it answer your question?

  4. I've gotta go with Batman (natch!) but a strong 2nd will be Spongebob. Exoforce is really a great line - it's one that I went into Enfield knowing absolutely nothing about, and coming home with a number of the sets for my kids. (They love them BTW - the light up feature is a great addition.) As to SW, I'm not a SW guy, so I really don't pay attention to the property much. Vikings and KK also look great, so I guess what I'm saying is, I anticipate LEGO having a great year!

  5. I can confirm that LEGO is working on some .... more traditonal LEGO properties that many fans will be very excited to see. That's honestly all I can say right now on that.

    That isn't nice or even right to say that. What do you mean traditional? You have dropped a small hint but don't get my hopes way up. Do you mean traditional like 1970's traditional with no arm figures and everything is boxy or do you mean 1980's traditional when we had Space, Pirates and Castle all at one time?

    Or are you taking about something else like legends?

    Unfortunately, that's all I can say at this time. :smile: Sorry!

  6. Didn't someone from LEGO say that they're not doing any other licenses and they will be concentrating more on their core products... :dry:

    I can confirm that LEGO is working on some .... more traditonal LEGO properties that many fans will be very excited to see. That's honestly all I can say right now on that.

  7. Great job getting these pics!! It sounds like you guys are as excited about these as I am!

    Now you see why I compared Spongebob's house to the 2nd Hagrid's Hut set? Also, you can see how Gary (the snail) is built using brick - very cool to see in person IMO.

    I highly reccommend the 3826 set. When you turn Spongebob around, you can put Plankton inside and have him 'drive' Spongebob. It's a very cool set. The eyes turn and the one that I saw came with two different mouths.

    Another thing - the 3827 set is a game - you shoot jellyfish at the houses to trigger different things inside the house. The jellyfish seen with the 3826 set are the same (at least they were when I saw them) as those in the 3827 set.

    Any questions?

  8. How many different colors are minifigs made in? I picked up an orange head and I'm wondering if there are other minifigs like this?

    I know there are yellow, flesh, black, white and green (skeletons from HP) - are there blue, red, etc? What about translucent figs?

    I'd really like to collect one of every color minifig made if this is possible. Here's sort of what I'm looking to do:



  9. Personally, I think this is a great idea with lots of play value. The environments mentioned above would be good - there are a few more though that I, as a Bat fan, would like to see:

    Crime Alley (where Bruce's parents died - various thugs could be involved)

    Graveyard (where they're buried - even if it's just a scene that isn't playable, I want it in there)

    Gotham Botanical Gardens/Gotham Park (Ivy related environment)

    Penguin's night club (his lair isn't a zoo - that's just something that Burton made up)

    Bludhaven (for Nightwing specific adventures!)

    Commissioner Gordon needs to be in it, as does the Batsignal.

    Extras for beating the game could be alternate costumes for Nightwing, Batman, Robin, Batgirl, Catwoman, Joker, TwoFace, etc.

    Heck, I'd even be ok seeing some traditional LEGO villains (such as Ogel or his minions) make an appearance in the game!

  10. The first one was so great ! I am just so happy they release another one :biggrin:

    Glad you feel that way. What do you think about other properties being done - like, say, Batman?

    (I'm not starting a rumor here - I'm curious to see if you all would buy a Batman LEGO game.)

    **Edit - sorry - I didn't see the thread for this further down the board.**

  11. Gary (from the Spongebob set) is a build - similar to the penguins from the Batcave set. I'm really pleased with the fact that LEGO decided to make these out of brick rather than a molded fig. Can't wait for you guys to see better pics. (Steve's working on getting approval now.)

  12. Most excellent. Apart from that green dragon, most new creator sets look fine. especially that black car.

    Actually, that big green dragon is REALLY impressive in person. I'm going to pick that up for at least one of my boys to build - might have to get one for myself too! :biggrin:

    The black car was extremely cool. Another great set to see built.

  13. I dont' know if you all have seen any pics of the 06 line yet. Some of the sets that I saw had dragon wings as the sails for boats - I don't know if that's oing to translate into the set or if it was just for the prototype though. IIRC, someone said it was going to be in the set that way, but I don't remember who and to be honest, I was only half paying attention. I was pretty focused on the Batman and Spongebob stuff. Sorry. :(

  14. Indeed check out the bat suit its different from the rest!!!

    Thanks for pointing that out, I hadn't noticed! His bat logo is different. Hopefully this will be in the final version and isn't just a prototype!

    There are only 2 versions of Batman - one grey & black and the other is all black. There was a third - blue & grey, but it was scrapped after the prototyping stage.

  15. Good eyes!! You've picked out many of the little details that impressed me so much about the cave set.

    One question I saw - does the batsignal light up? - No it does not. I suggested that they make one that does, perhaps as part of a rooftop set (with Gordon).

    As to the Target dates, at this time, they're not verified. Steve told me that LEGO is still shooting for an April release date, so it's possible that Target is looking to gauge interest based on orders? I don't know if that's something they regularly do, but with a new property, I can see how they might.

    Anyone thinking about getting the dinousaur builder set so you can have a huge TRex to go with their Batcave? :biggrin:

  16. On target's website they have 3 of the batman sets up for preorder. tehy are al liste as shipping in 2 to 6 weeks.

    maybe this means that the sets soon will be available from target stores?


    I'm checking on that currently. 6 weeks would put the release in March, not April as I was originally told.