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Everything posted by LFN

  1. Highly similar to National Treasure, what with the American history-esque plot, but looks promising. I'm not sure what kind of an adverse effect would be given off from telling us straight off the bat just who is a traitor though..
  2. I actually posted this about an hour ago in the BattlePack Alternate Model topic, so if the basis of posting there before posting here is against the contest rules (I honestly really did stumble upon this contest afterwards), mods please disqualify my entry. Until then, here we go, with Irina Spaalko demo-ing as a prisoner in some shots: Front: Back: Top: Left: Right: Angled: Figless: Look it's Spaalko! All pics are in Clicky! Backstory: As the war drew on, the republic quickly found that they had no efficient and risk-free way of transporting high-ranking prisoners of war. Surely they would not allow a sentient prisoner to be detained in an AT-TE walker for example, and memorize the interior layout and design for future exploitation? Hence, the small and agile Repulblic Prisoner Detainment Speeder was created (And from spare "BP" walkers no less ). Crewed by 1 clone, with passenger space for 1 prisoner and 1 accompanying clone trooper escort. Thanks for looking
  3. LFN

    A'Thr'Sh's Hovercraft

    Neat model. Good luck! Out if curiousity, where did you acquire the pieces composing A'Thr'Sh's armor?
  4. I'll try that out for my next moc entry
  5. @Natman8000 I actually don't own any other fleshie toned "villian" minifigs.
  6. Alright I posted my moc just today in the Battlepack Alternate model topic, before I stumbled upon this contest. I realize there is a rule where existing moc's may not be entered, but as I have said, I completed and posted the moc today, so would my entry be disqualified if I entered it?
  7. LFN

    REVIEW: 7126 Battle Droid Carrier

    Personally I think this was one of the better episode 1 sets, as it provides 7 battle droids for about $15 cdn. I'm really grateful I own two. Absolutely wonderful, given that battle droids were somewhat difficult to obtain in large numbers at the time.
  8. LFN

    Battle Pack Alternatives

    This was done using 2 clone wars clone battlepacks including the extra pieces. edit: I suppose this is some sort of Republic Prisoner Detainment Speeder Angled Shot: Front: Back: Without minifigs: Bottom View: Transporting a villian of villianous proportions: Closeup: Partially disassembled (for those curious about building steps): Thanks for looking