
Eurobricks Vassals
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Posts posted by That_LEGO_Guy

  1. Hello a question about the rules and weather my entry will be valid:

    1: a tracked tractor, it's built and motorised but the battery box cannot fit in it ( i'll upload a picture for a second opinion on the part count)

    2: a 3-wheel tractor, started and will be motorised, battery box may fit in it

    3: a trailer, contains battery box to power the tractors and(If valid) a front loader-claw for 3-wheeler (would this count as a 4th or part of the 3rd)

    after a car issue my AAA box is no more( it met the wheel ) and the AA won't fit in the tracked tractor unless i put it on top of the hood, but its not looking pleasant

    Would I be able to have the tractors powered by a box in the trailer, it would mean that only one can operate at a time.

  2. I've been using this method for portal axles with 8466 tyres for almost a year, they perform great, never slipped even pulling 15+kg or vertical wall climb , not too sure how well compared to the portal frames as I have none. I never had something to post it in as nothing got done/worked(gearbox suspension and most of my PF stuff stopped working) and yes the speed is reduced 3:1 with the 16t(check my Flicr in set Unimog! for pic, can't get it to link :wacko: )

  3. Regarding the "has anyone built a X" I'm currently unable to build for a few months as of Yr12 exams are soon and that my IR receivers are not getting any power any more( any one had this problem before? i've have motors with the same problem ) has anyone built a Jeep mighty FC, the concept for 2012? I have an almost perfect chassis and axles(in unimog on my flickr) for it but lack the panels, time and receivers. Another vehicle is the Chainlink 4X4.

  4. My current build is using a PTO and pneumaticPTO transmissions from something unfinished (the unimog on my flickr if you are wondering): it has 3 motor inputs, 1 for selecting the output(there is 4 points/gears) and 2 to drive them, and 8 outputs.

    current idea order may be switched around as all that is built are the 2 transmissions:

    gear 1: left drive: left track right drive: right track

    gear 2: left drive: pneumatic pump right drive: pneumatic valves (it can run 4 different valves from one rotating shaft)

    gear 3: left drive: front pto right drive: second front pto

    gear 4: left drive: rear pto right drive: second rear pto

    So what I need it to do: control this from ether a laptop or smart phone via bluetooth.

    the drive motors only need forward and reverse no variable speed needed

    but the selector, there is 8 rotations between each gear/selections and 4 gears/selections, I need to, with an input, rotate 8 times then stop.

    i.e. press the up direction key and the selector will rotate 8 times and stop, gear 1 to 2, press the down direction key and the selector will rotate 8 times in the opposite direction and stop, gear 2 to 1.

    Hopefully this makes sense and is it possible?

  5. Thank you all, to build it I need another IR receiver and XL motor as one of mine has stopped working but, Ive build a quick model of the first 2 axles it is steered by 2 gear racks moving in different directions controlled by a gear between them sorry no vid, I need to borrow a friends GoPro and a question, what format do the pictures have to be in? flickr set

  6. G'day LEGO Lovers, after reading in awe about the creations on this site I decided to join and now to post MOCs.

    Well for a first EBs post my latest finished* (*may need to add something) MOC also a first because its the only MOC I've made without touching a single LEGO piece.

    I present to you the RC Tatra 8x8:

    in :sweet:BLUE

    Full RC through power functions:

    Drive: 2 XL Motors (8 wheel drive)

    Final Gear ratio: 1.666:1

    Steering: 1 M Motor (4 wheel steer)

    Power: 1 Battery box

    Control: 2 IR recevers* 1 Controller

    not in the pics Lights: 1 pair in head lights

    I attempted to replicate the rigid backbone and swinging half axles as accurately as I could at this scale, the result, independantly sprung swinging half-Axles on a backbone but no diffs plus I couldn't get all the gears in :angry:

    *To provide maximum power to the drive motors, 2 IR receivers On the same channel have been used an XL motor each with the steering motor on one.

    And yes the doors Open

    Hopefully more stuff to come

    and thanks for reading


    MOC on.