Derfel Cadarn

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Everything posted by Derfel Cadarn

  1. Derfel Cadarn

    Pirate's distraction

    This looks really neat, great colour use and nice details. Keep it up!
  2. Derfel Cadarn

    The ToR II Studio Headquarters

    Great comic Commodore, but you only managed to capture my castle decoy! Captain Cadarn has been on vacation long enough, and now its time to call a meeting of the Pirate Lords and unleash....The Wolves Of The Sea! Well, when they finally sober up. Time for Pirates to unite! AND, to that randy monkey, dont think you're getting away with that, Ive put a price on your furry head!
  3. Derfel Cadarn

    The ToR II Studio Headquarters

    Haha, you can always rely on joey to flame an arguement. Brits never back down! I think the 3 Arjays end up having a heated arguement over a game of scrabble, and wipe each other out. But personally I might put them into the arena where they can fight to the death, with the winner awarded the humiliation of having to dress as a women and serve rum at the most brutal pirate tavern on the coast of Dumnonia! He might even last more then a day, but I doubt it!
  4. Derfel Cadarn

    The ToR II Studio Headquarters

    Slyowl doesn't need to pick a side, he's a pirate! Well, I'm gonna have to hurry up and finish my castle moc so I can return to pirate building and get my crew working on our pirate gladiator arena! That way we get to make loads of cash by exploiting the blue vs reds in our arena. With the added amusment of watching them wipe each other out. I think Dan the Brickman will be first to be thrown in the arena, pitted against one of our many pirate champions. Plus, the Dreaded Cow of Doom has announced it's coming out of retirement to fight in the games! Making money from watching our enemies perish!!! It really is a pirate pumpkin life for me!
  5. Derfel Cadarn

    The ToR II Studio Headquarters

    Oh no, they took out Steve! Steve the bluecoat lol, that cracks me up. Great comics guys!
  6. I have a lot of custom medieval style buildings that I've often thought about selling. I know I'd have to order the bricks in for every set and make a profit, but I was wondering if you need special permission to sell your own sets. Do many others do this? What's the best way to go about it?
  7. Derfel Cadarn

    MOC: War On St Croix

    This is a lovely little moc! The rocks are nicely done and there's some great details on the building. Nice work!
  8. Derfel Cadarn

    The ToR II Studio Headquarters

    The contest looks a lot of fun, BUT, you silly reds and blues have forgotten about us pirates! It suits us well that the reds and blues wipe each other out, as that means we are then free to rules the seas as we wish. But everyone knows we could easily beat the reds and blues ourselves, even if you put aside your differences and combined forces, us pirates would still wipe you out! Here's hoping for a Pirates vs reds and blues match! Ha harghh......well, I be setting sail to take advantage of this situation and plunder the redcoats and bluecoats forts, homes and anything else I can. who's house shall we attack first, Joey's? Hornbricker's?, Blackmoor's? So many to choose! When you think you can take us on, we will be ready! "they will regret the day they faced the pirate lords"
  9. Derfel Cadarn

    Imperial Outpost

    Very classic looking, it's nice to see you have added an interior as well. I agree with the previous comment that it might be a good idea to replace the tan with yellow so it all tones in. Good work
  10. Derfel Cadarn

    The Legend Of Mary Jane

    Hi all, its been a while since I last posted as have been busy decorating the house. All finished now, and ive been able to finish off my newest moc. So without further ado, I present Myths & Legends Part 2: The Legend Of Mary Jane! 18 Year old Mary Jane lived with her father who owned the mill in her village. She was a free spirited child of nature, and he was a devout christian with a cruel unforgiving heart. Like many girls her age, she took up the practice of herbs and potions. She would head to the grove of trees by the mill where she could practice her arts. Unfortunatly, a sickness swept through the villages livestock and the villagers were sure it was the work of witchcraft. Her father decided to follow Mary one day, as he had grown curious as to where she went each day. He followed Mary to the grove and caught her in the act! Mary pleaded with her father, but he could not be swayed. Even though Mary was guilty of nothing but mixing herbs and potions to help people, her father was convinced she was a witch, and that she was responsible for the sickness that had plagued the village. So Mary was taken back to the village under guard to be sentenced. The whole village was against her, and so there could be no other punishment in there eyes, than for her to be burnt alive at the stake!!!!!!!!!!!! "Forgive me father, for I have sinned!!!!!!! Im a child of the air, im a witch of the wind!!!!! My fingers gripped around my brain, no control my mind is lame!!!! Im in the astral plain, I will never be the same, never never never!!!!" Mary's ashes were buried amongst the grove, but her soul never did rest in peace! The current site is now known as Loon Lake Cemetary and its an eerie place. A large stone at the entrance has all the names of those buried there, and Mary Jane Twilliger's name can be seen written there. It has become a popular place for drunken teenagers to go, thinking they are brave enough to survive the night and Mary Jane's curse. The place has had many mysterious deaths, so much so that a new book has been written all about the mystery of The place and the legendary Mary Jane. Who knows what to believe, but one strange thing is for certain, that carved into Mary Janes grave stone reads the words: 'Beware my friends as you pass by, As you are now, so once was I, As I am now, soon You will be, Prepare my friends, to follow me'
  11. Derfel Cadarn

    The Legend Of Porthgwarra

    Many Years ago, Nell, a young barmaiden at the Red Horse Inn, fell in love with a sailor named William whose ship came into port one day. Her parents disapproved of him and the two lovers were forbidden to ever meet again. The night before the sailor was due to leave on his ship, the pair managed one last meeting by the rocks on the beach. They vowed that they would be true to one another forever and, living or dead, they would one day meet again. The young sailor left port the next day and no news came from him for many months. Nell, growing more melancholy every day, watched for his ship from Hella Point under the old tree, which later became know as Nell's Point. Eventually, she became quite mad and did little else but lament the loss of her lover. One moonlit night, an old woman sitting up on the clifftop saw Nell walk down onto the beach and sit on a rock that was partially surrounded by water. The tide began to rise but Nell continued to gaze out to sea. The old woman, seeing the danger the girl was in, decided to go down and warn her of the dangerous rising water. When she arrived down on the beach, the old woman was surprised to see a sailor beside the young girl with his arm round her. Believing Nell to be safe, the old woman sat down to watch the couple, and she noticed a think mist forming. But the lovers did not move and, with increasing concern, the old woman called out to them. Neither of the lovers heeded her warning. The old woman started over to them, but to her astonishment the lovers suddenly appeared to float off over the sea and vanish into the mist. Nell was never ever seen again, and word came the next day that William's ship had gone down in a storm the night before with the loss of all life. The ghost of Nell and William are frequently seen on misty moonlit nights, and are considered by local sailors as an omen of disaster, and no one from Porthgwarra dares head out to sea on such nights. For more and larger pics vistit my flickr page: Myths & Legends Part 2 'Mary Jane' coming soon.
  12. Derfel Cadarn

    Bayonets at Dawn Contest

    Lots of great entries! Makes me want to come back to pirates again! Ratshot - 1 point Etzel - 1 point Newright - 1 point
  13. Derfel Cadarn

    How does an idea of a MOC come to you?

    I get mine all from imagination. I think it helps that my childhood was influenced by fantasy films, books, cartoons and I used to visit so many places with legends of pirates, ghosts and castles. It's just all now in my mind, which is great, as I've got about 20 odd different ideas for mocs in my head at the moment which will all be built, and as I build them, more ideas flood in. So it's never ending really. Although I love old myths and legends, and have a book with over 1000 in it, and any that sound really cool I will build. Historys always good, just the other day I though why not recreate the Gunpowder Plot on a big lavish dio, or the Great fire of London would be fun. In fact, there's just so much inspiration and ideas to build if you really think about!
  14. I'm tempted, as I do have the qualifications and C.V, but It all depends if my model building skills are good enough. Plus, I know everyone always says they won't to work for Lego, but it probably means moving to Denmark which could be an upheavel as my partner has a child in school here. Plus I kinda like the surprise of seeing what new lines and sets are released each year, and that fun would be taken away. And from what I hear, you don't get much time to do your own mocs which are far more fun then any official Lego set. Need to think about it.
  15. Derfel Cadarn

    French attack Pratzen Heights

    This is really neat! I really like all those custom figs, and theres plenty of scenery thats used well and gives a great sense of the battle taking place. Nice work!
  16. Derfel Cadarn

    Battle of Fontenoy (May 11, 1745)

    For a rush job, that looks pretty good. It shows how effective all those plant stems are, it really splits up the action. The lime green adds some nice colour variation to the landscape and the figs are cool with some nice bloody injuries going on!
  17. Derfel Cadarn

    Who's at war with who?

    As a Privateer for hire, Im with whoever pays me the most money. Although Im british and would therefore never attack my own countrymen, plus we rule the waves anyway!!!!!!!
  18. Derfel Cadarn

    The Legend Of Mary Jane

    Thankyou everyone for all your great comments!!! I hope to be building quite a lot in the castle theme for a while, as I have only really built in pirates. I hope to continue my camolot project for my next moc and then hopefully build part 3 of Myths & Legends once ive settled on the story. I was going to have Sleepy Hollow for part 3, but i'd like to build that in a very dark colourscheme like the film, so need to stock up on the bricks which means it will probably be part 4. Really not sure, as theres quite a bit in the baseplate structure alone, although I think theres probably around 3000 1x1 round plates(which is a serious bugger when it comes to dismantling and sorting into colour!) Yes they are very sturdy. When i first tried the technique I realised that it was weak and you also had lots of gaps between each round that let the light in. So, I build a inside wall of regular grey bricks so the whole wall construction is 2 studs think. This stops the light and gives a firm sturdy build. So kind of like building a standard grey house and then building a 1x1 round shell around it. Great for houses that are merely for display with no interior, but if I want interior then I have to build a 3rd wall of 1x1's on the inside, so very parts consuming. Thanks, I dont usually post w.i.p pics as I prefer to just release the complete thing. But I did post wip pics of both Myths & Legends mocs ive made. Should be on here somewhere. The wip pics for this moc show a few ideas and buildings that were scrapped from the final version. I don't think I could part with any of my mocs and bricks, but I would be more then happy to buy parts in for medieval houses and build them to sell if people were interested. Any house or building on a moc ive built can quite easily be made again and sold if someone really wanted one. The moc spilts in two, and the half with the mill and stream took me about 3 weeks of building, changing and tweaking. The front half with the village took under 2 weeks, as im pretty quick and used to making medieval houses, so it was just a case of building a base, placing the houses on and adding the plants and other scenery. Thanks again!
  19. Derfel Cadarn


    This looks interesting! Obviously the water stands out with a nice different technique to create a choppy look. It looks like theres some nice details and landscape forming, although I cant quite make them out properly, but then thats the idea of it being a teaser! I look forward to seeing how this turns out. Keep up the good work
  20. Derfel Cadarn

    The Legend Of Mary Jane

    Thankyou all for your great comments! The build was actually started a couple of months ago and I got about halfway through but had to put it aside as we were getting the house decorated. I think the break helped when it came to finishing it off, as I had time to plan out the village scene at the front a bit better then what I would have originally done. I got the story from a song I had been listening to a lot, (for any Metal fans out there, check out 'Mary Jane' by Megadeth). It was only when I looked it up, that I realised that its based on a true story, and you can actually go and see her grave, although her gravestone with the legendary words has been removed and placed in the local museum because too many teenagers were starting to vandelize it. For anyone interested then try Googling 'Loon Lake Cemetary Mary Jane' and you will find some pages with info. There is some debate on wether she was burned or buried alive, and theres more evidence that leans towards the latter, but I chose the burning, as its much more of a large, interesting and fun scene to build. For more and bigger pics please visit my flickr Thanks for the front page! I was very tempted to set up a scene with her being dunked in the river, but couldn't find a historical reference that mentioned this happening to her, so I decided not to. Maybe some witch dunking in a future moc! Thanks Iz, and yes, I do try to spend a little time on the plantwork as it really helps in bringing country scenes to life. Thanks, I try to keep mocs that I can use for bigger displays, and I may use this for part of my Camelot project. Although, it takes quite a while and money to get the parts for these large mocs, so I cant keep them all, but I think I'd prefer to take them apart as then I'd always have lots of bricks to build bigger and better things! Thanks again for the comments, and keep a look out for Part 3 of Myths & Legends coming sometime in the future!
  21. Derfel Cadarn


    These are a couple of pics of the back section of my upcoming moc. I was originally going to have this section at the front, but decided it makes a better backdrop, plus the front section will be the village with the main character burning at the stake, so that should be the more focal point. This is just the back section as i decided to build it in halves as its easier to transport and work on. Just need to add the witches grove to this section then i can start on the front half.
  22. Derfel Cadarn

    Le Fourageux, French third-rate ship of the line, minifig scale!

    Simply amazing Blackmoor, Its really taking shape now and looks just plain awesome! Loads of great details allready and the stern is perfect. The flag fits well and the bell is a nice touch. Are you going to tile the decks or keep them more mini-fig friendly(i think your crew would slide all over the place after the tremor of this beasts broadside). Tiles would probably be expensive as well, expecially if you want tan or dark tan. Cant wait to see more progress, and shes pretty big, so needs a big fancy port from where she makes birth, perhaps i'll make one! Great work mate, keep it going!
  23. Derfel Cadarn

    French Navy Xebec

    Another stunning ship! I like to see all these different types of ships. You keep churning out these lovely mocs. Great work all round, looks just like the real pic. Nice one!
  24. Derfel Cadarn

    The Legend Of Porthgwarra

    I was wondering when someone was going to pick up on that . Yes you are right, I wasnt really sure how I was going to do it because I built the village to be set after the story happened so its known as a legend by the locals. But i did think at the same time that it did need the characters from the story in there. I did make the tree on the clifftop(Nell's Point), and the rock and pub that she was aquainted with, but no characters themselves. I have taken a pic of the ghostly couple on the rock with the old woman looking on, which i posted the other day. I think the pic is a few posts back. Thanks for your comment and well pointed out! Its my bad, i should have put the picture in when i originally posted
  25. Derfel Cadarn

    Volunteer Fire Brigade

    This is great! I love the whole idea, a pirate fire brigade is just awesome. The building looks great and the cart/fire engine looks really neat. Execellent work