
Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by 4brickmoney

  1. 4brickmoney

    LOTR & The Hobbit 2012

    The only thing I hate is there will be no pipes. I was watching LOTR last night and that part suddenly dawned on me. I dont smoke but my hobbits will surely want to.
  2. 4brickmoney

    LOTR & The Hobbit 2012

    Maybe its been brought up before but it took me longer to find one than expected. The clickits have a ring that yes it is out of scale but does fit over a minifig hand. Sorry if its been posted but i have only read about 50 of the pages of this thread.
  3. 4brickmoney

    LOTR & The Hobbit 2012

    Im starting to rewatch the movies now so I can build a large display to put the sets on. Now to earn the money Wife says I cant sell kidney there went my one good idea.
  4. 4brickmoney

    Ben 10 discussion thread

    I always wanted a Jack Stone that you could take apart and pose in diffrent positions.
  5. 4brickmoney

    Mystery FREE Raffle!

    Im in
  6. 4brickmoney

    The free Mini V-19 Torrent raffle

    Let Me Play
  7. 4brickmoney

    Bricklink Offline?

    For certain Comcast customers they where getting a DNS. If you used this patch Until DNS gets propagated properly, use the work around: edit c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts at the bottom add: www.bricklink.com It worked for me not sure if its still needed.
  8. 4brickmoney

    Bricklink Offline?

    I can use my cellphone but it wont allow me to view entire message so im like stuck in limbo
  9. 4brickmoney

    Bricklink Offline?

    There seems to be a problem with comcast subscribers getting on Bricklink. Can someone update me because i cant get on bricklink
  10. 4brickmoney

    Bricklink Offline?

    Im still having trouble getting onto bricklink. I tried all the computers in the house it still wont let me on
  11. 4brickmoney

    M&g@ Bl%ks intrusion!

    I once made the mistake of sorting fleamarket finds with my niece in the house. I found her playing with the couple M&g@ Bl%ks i left on the table!! Her mom wouldnt let me cut her contamanated fingers off so i have no idea what mutations may happen to someone so young!!!! There is the agony i have lived with for months.
  12. 4brickmoney

    Shop at Home feedback

    Amusement park. Thats what i want to see
  13. 4brickmoney

    Spongebob set pics !!!!

    I Love the new sets the they really are going to leave me strapped for cash! Now to convince the wife we dont need to go away on vacation
  14. 4brickmoney

    All PICS of the batman sets!!!

    Lego has guns, great sets + guns, did i mention GUNS
  15. 4brickmoney

    Theme of 2005!

    It has been a few years since i can honestly there has been more than one good theme to chose from
  16. 4brickmoney


    Getting any piece in any color adds to my list of reasons to work at LEGO
  17. 4brickmoney


    My wife loves the show and i find the concept interesting. Ive played with Lego for 30 years im excited about bringing more characters to my Lego box
  18. 4brickmoney


    Im new to this but if you wanted to be scarier just put the FBTB logo up
  19. 4brickmoney

    Hi im new

    I'm new just wanted to get my first post under my belt