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Posts posted by Lego-Freak_1996

  1. Amazing work! I admit I thought it looked a bit silly in the movie, but your Lego recreation of it looks great! :)

    In the movie it looks like a hornet or something else :-D

    Thank you :)

  2. Nice MOC! But I think your pics are gloomy, like Nolan's Batman, thought :wink: . How about make them more bright?

    thanks for the tip! :classic:

    I shot the images in ImaX size, because it looks like the movie pictures :wink:

    I'll upload new Pics soon, with front lights :classic:

  3. Wow that's amazing :wub: that's probably better than the official Lego Bat which is coming out.

    P.S please please please tell me how to make the Batpod.

    Thank you very much :classic:

    Check it out here for the LDD version of the BATPOD :thumbup:

    Enjoy the instrution and Thanks :laugh:

  4. It looks pretty dang cool! Man, all these pictures of Bat-pods reminds me Im

    going to have to try my hand eventuly! :laugh: Good job! :thumbup:

    Are you using Artifex Creations brick lites?

    Thank you :classic:

    I want to buy some brick lites from Artifex Creations because they are very smart :laugh:

    Now, I'm using the power function, but it is too big for it :laugh:

  5. Thank you everybody! :classic:

    Great model. Terrible name. But that's not your fault of course. :wacko:

    I loved the movie but when they simply named the vehicle "The Bat" I felt waves of lameness wash over me. Like a name that tries too hard. Batman is already called "The Bat" sometimes... Call it something new. Hoverbat, Batwing, I don't care. :P

    Yes i don't like the name of it too!

    I love the front motors! Is it stable? It looks like it may be fragile.

    Yes it is very stabil!

    I was very serprise, after ibulid it, that it is very stabil :classic:

    Thank you and have a nice day Niklas :classic:

  6. Thanks!

    Yes I'll upload it on cuusoo. :)

    I am not registered yet ;D

    Next time I upload the link to the Cuusoo site :)

    Thank you !

  7. I love the scenes in THE DARK KNIGHT RISES with the rotating wheels!

    In my BATPOD you saw rotating wheels too, but I know how hard it is to create the rotation of the wheel :)

    Thanks for this accurate technic :)

    Thank you for this cool BATPOD :)

  8. I looks fantastic !

    I love the way you build it:)

    Thanks for this cool MOC :)

    P.S.: everyone will copy some little details but at last you build everything by your own ;)

  9. Agreed. You gotta hate it when they make an official set of something that's been MOC'd 1000 times, and then the MOCs are better.

    That said, awesome work Lego-Freak! I quite like the use of Technic gears for the engines.


    Yes I hate it too! For example The Black Pearl a lot of awesome ships were build and in the videogame it looks perfect but the set wasn't so cool than the MOC's :angry: That's make me ANGRY :angry:

    Thank you! I use Technic gears the engines all the time. They looks more cooler than the original bricks! :laugh:

  10. Hello everybody,

    after 3 weeks of building, THE BAT is ready to fight against BANE :laugh:

    And here it is: :classic:


    With my new BATMAN minifigur from THE DARK KNIGHT RISES ! :wink:







    two minifigures can sit in the cockpit:

    Take BATMAN out from it:


    turn the seat down:



    John Blake is sitting in the back :tongue:

    Turn the seat up:


    put BATMAN back:


    Turn the front glass up:


    THE BAT in flying position:


    And now: BATMAN feat. The Avengers :laugh:




    BATMAN and ROBIN :laugh:

    I hope you enjoyed my newest MOC and see you later,

    Niklas :classic:

  11. Nice Bat-pod! It's very accurate, but the only thing I'm confused about is how you managed to put the cannons on the right side of the front wheel. Maybe instructions could help. :thumbup:


    I uploaded the LDD Model on my Brickshelf site :thumbup:

    Thanks and have a nice day,

    Niklas :classic: