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Everything posted by BrickMADNESS

  1. Hello, I'm shooting a feature length comedy focumentary called Brick MADNESS about a national Lego Tournament in the States. I want to shoot some really high-end Brick footage. Not necessarily stop motion but more like smooth fly-thru macro shots like one would do for traditional film miniatures. With these shots I would like to be able to get very close to the bricks and fly around on the end of a motorized jib. Does anyone have any ideas as to what camera or system would support this type of capabilities. I've done a lot of research but I figured there might be someone here who has either done something similar or knows someone who has. There is some amazing work here. I'm in awe. Thanks in advance.
  2. IS everything in Brick Films done with stop motion or are there certain shots that are more easily done with full motion video? I have a RED EPIC camera but the main issue is size and weight. I'm really looking for a tiny camera that would have a smaller chip. A webcam on steroids. On stop motion, focus isn't that hard but on full motion video I would need a remote focus of some sort which makes the whole rig that much bigger and heavier when you're dealing with DSLR lenses. I've contacted a lot of manufacturers but haven't gotten very far yet so I'm just trying to figure it all out. Thanks!
  3. Thanks a lot for the thorough reply. Are people typically using macro lenses or extension tubes for these types of situations? I'm just thinking that with MOD on those lenses being at least a foot or two typically that I'd need some sort of macro capability most all the time which limits my lens options. I will definitely go to Bricks In Motion. Thank you.
  4. A fabulous video! Well done. I left a comment on your youtube page if you have a chance to get back to me. I'm shooting a feature and would love to work with you. Thanks.