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About RikTheVeggie

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  1. RikTheVeggie

    Android App

    The app is Android only (I don't have any Apple devices so can't develop for iOS) but there's a list of iOS compatible apps on the brickset website (http://www.brickset.com/miscellaneous/mobileApps/)
  2. RikTheVeggie

    Android App

    I hope this is in the right forum, please move it if not! I'd like to announce the latest version of my free Android App "myBrickset" available on Google Play - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=uk.co.otissoft.mybrickset (the name is a legacy of the app's origins, it was originally written to sync with brickset.com). Essentially it's an offline database containing pretty much every LEGO set, which will auto-update itself as new data becomes available. It contains retail prices for the UK, US & Canada, and links to download official instructions (even for retired sets!) where available. You can also use it to keep track of which sets you own and which ones you want. I have plans to keep developing the app, please let me know of any features you'd like to see included. The app is cost-free and ad-free (I really dislike ads!) so I don't make anything from it - so if you like it, please show your support with a positive rating!
  3. RikTheVeggie

    Android apps for Lego?

    Sorry to bump an old thread, especially for shameless self-publicity, but I've written a free & ad-free app called myBrickset (app was initially written as an interface to brickset.com and the name stuck). Current version requires an account at brickset but this requirement will be lifted in the next version (due out very soon). Comes with a bunch of data & images for total offline browsing (faster & cheaper than paying for a data plan) and will auto-update with new data as it becomes available. Includes pretty much every LEGO set (including retired ones) from the 80's on, retail prices and links to official instructions. Latest version will also include barcode scanning for even faster price lookups when out shopping. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=uk.co.otissoft.mybrickset