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Posts posted by purpleparadox

  1. It took me less than 5 seconds to decide MY favourite. The Scottish Bagpiper all the way! I am a HUGE music lover and I love all the instrument pieces LEGO made. I NEED to get those bagpipes! (If the Scottish Bagpiper wasn't there, it would be the female rockstar and then the teacher.)

  2. When I arrived home, here's how the converstation went:

    Me: Hi, how was your trip? Sorry you had to wait for me to get home.

    Wife: Why are there so many LEGO sets in the garage?

    Me: There aren't that many in there.

    Wife: I counted 30 and stopped. Those were big boxes too.

    Me: I bought them all on sale. They're all future gifts.

    She didn't say anything else but gave me the "Yeah right" look.

    Someone will be in the doghouse!

    I don't buy Lego, just "car parts". Unless someone shakes the box, no attention is payed... Just got to make sure I get home first when the bank statement comes in though default_tong.gif

    Sneaky, sneaky. I'm glad I'm not the only one!

    I smuggle them into the house

    You haven't been discovered yet?

    Another question, what's your opinion on the ethics of buying Lego in secret?

  3. Have you ever bought LEGO in "secret"? For example, your parent or partner forbid you from buying more LEGO so you did it anyway without them knowing.

    I've bought minifigs while conviently "forgetting" to mention the purchases. And it looks like you guys hide your purchases from your wives all the time! :laugh:

    Share your experiences/stories!

  4. The past two days have been awesome for me! Yesterday I bought 6858 Catwoman Catcyle City Chase and Catwoman is now my new favourite official LEGO minifig! Today I picked up two Series 6 CMF packets. I got the Bandit and Lady Liberty.

  5. I wonder if reading this topic influenced my dreams, because yesterday I read it and last night I dreamt of LEGO!

    I had a dream of a re-release of an Arkham Asylum set. The buildings were more menacing and the minifigs were definitely darker and scarier. I remember looking at a display of the set and the lady displaying it gave me a Riddler fig, free of charge! Unfortunately, I woke up, and no Riddler fig. Oh well, I DO have a Catwoman set to go build!

  6. Lego stores only exist in five countries world-wide (US, Canada, UK, Germany, and Denmark), and US is the single most lucky one... :)

    And even in the four countries other than the US, there's hardly any LEGO stores! :angry: TWO in Canada!! Sixty-four in the US and Canada gets two?

  7. I would, but I don't have some of the pieces that I need in DK Blue

    I see. Well, maybe someday you can change it. Do you ever order off of Bricklink? (I'm not telling you to, because I hardly do. Just wondering)

  8. Well everybody, guess what? I'm no longer a purist!

    I just wanted to say that I tried to remove the printings with an eraser (any kind of eraser works) and the endresult is great, no scratched plastic and no printing, its pretty time consuming but it works, the safest and easiest method ever.

    This works! I tried it and it didn't take TOO too long, about 5-10 minutes.

    I put some toothpaste on a rag and rubbed the minifig head over it. Was done in seconds and no scratches.

    I also tried this and it didn't work. However, I wasn't trying on a head. I was taking the printing off a torso. Oh well, the eraser works so I'll use that!