
Banned Outlaws
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Everything posted by Starwars4J

  1. Starwars4J

    Why do you come to EB?

    If you're here just to trade (which is what your message indicates) then perhaps you don't belong on EB.
  2. Starwars4J

    Pics of the Agents Line

    Well those may or may not get taken down, it depends on if LEGO is going to throw a temper tantraum to them too :-D And the pics may or may not be down for good. We did Lego a favor by honoring their request, but some of those may be fair game, we'll see ;-) EB is and always will be the place for leaked pics
  3. Starwars4J

    Duplo is going Dino!

    Yup, long discussed already. You seem to have a habit of making topics without searching first, and I'd recommend you do so. Thanks :-)
  4. Starwars4J

    Somewhat less WIP-Cruiser

    Whoa, missed this :-D The dome will fit over the top, which will be lines with tiles to allow easy removal. As for a bridge, yes it will be in the front of the ship, rather than on top of the dome. The bridge has been started X-D Thanks :'-) Awesome, thanks :-$
  5. Starwars4J

    Somewhat less WIP-Cruiser

    Hey all, it's a New Year and I thought an update on my SHIP might be in order. First let me say that it's still a long, long way from being done, and most of the facade is unfinished. So yes, it still looks very boxy, but it won't be a thousandth as bad when all is said and done, okay? I realize how it looks like a giant floating rectangle right now, but it won't in the long run. Okay, here's the overview: One of the side turrets with a little greeblage: One of the hatches to access the turret from the inside. I still need to add a hatch in case of destruction of the turret, as well as a ladder. The other side: Engine room. Here we see the water refreshment plant: An engine, power converter, hyperdrive (hard to see, on the right), and secondary reactor: The gear mechanism to open the door. This will be there on all doors: The front section. The large empty front will be the primary bridge. The left in white, will be a small restroom, and on the right will be a small private conference room. Behind the conference room is a storage area through which supplies can be lifted to the next deck. Stairwell to the upper deck: Under the secondary bridge, which is removable to see the rest of the bottom floor is a small supply closet. A door still needs to be added. The hallway. Underneath the grates are greebled. It can be dangerous, so railings will be placed along the walkways. You can see a ladder to the secondary bridge. The hoses are snaked over and under the doors, which aren't finished yet: Where the ladder leads from the main corridor to the secondary bridge on the middle deck. Overall I have a long way to go, but hopefully it'll keep moving at a nice clip. I have some small things here and there to add to it when I finish things. There will be another two decks added with the dome on top, one of which will house personnel and include a galley and washrooms, the uppermost which will house missile launchers and stuff. There's also a curve on the front which I'm starting on. Gallery when moderated.
  6. Starwars4J

    EB News Presents: Norro

    I believe it does retain the emotion. Something with your MOCs that I don't get from most others is that it's quite easy to turn it into a scene from a movie. You can hear the waterfall crashing on your entrance to the caves, the loud silence followed by intermittent echos in the cave in your entrance to the cave MOC. I think it's why I admire them so much, there's just something so real about them. Thanks for taking the time to answer the questions :-)
  7. Starwars4J

    EB News Presents: Norro

    Fantastic interview, it's always great to learn more about our resident castle master *sweet* So what attracted you to castle in the first place, rather than any other theme? Was it the first sets you were given? Some experience from childhood? Or rather some inexplicable draw? Something else entirely? 8-| Where do you get your ideas from? Are they extensively planned out on grid paper in advance, or do you just create as you go? What's your primary inspiration? Also, jojo's a member here? I had no idea :-D
  8. Starwars4J

    What the weirdness?

    Sinner just had chinese food the night before and was a little bloated...he was already concerned with his weight from all those clam sundaes...he'll be crushed to read that :'-(
  9. Starwars4J

    What the weirdness?

    Just a minute, just a minute... Then how'd your FACE get in there? Huh?! I was gonna be nice about this but now I don't think I'm returning the towels I accidentally borrowed from the pool |-/
  10. Starwars4J

    What the weirdness?

    It's a public pool >:-(
  11. Starwars4J

    What the weirdness?

    What? *wacko* I wish Hinckleytown could be like that, where a walrus could be free from the constant fear of being whacked...or given a wedgie, or having his bucket stolen. The horrible, horrible nightmares they must have :'-( Edit: Just LOOK at the persecution! This was taken in their local public pool...
  12. Starwars4J


    Ah, since you quoted Simon I thought you were talking about his correction
  13. Starwars4J


    It was just a joke...check the person he 'corrected' X-D
  14. Starwars4J

    Bionicle 2008 Images and Discussion

    It's not a matter of maturity, it's a matter of respect. I'm sure he can handle swearing just fine, and hell (see what I did there?) swearing even has a time and place where it's fine. However this isn't one of them. There's a reason we have a swear filter (which I'm adding I'm a moron to now), and that's not because we can't handle curses or swearing, it's because not only could there be younger people here, but it's disrespectful to others. Honestly, telling someone to "I'm a moron" because of differing opinions? That's hardly mature, it shows, if anything, a lack of maturity and a lack of the ability to talk things out and discuss opinions like adults. Because that's what we're all supposed to be around here. This isn't an IM service, and this isn't a chat room, it's a message forum. That means you should have all the time in the world to formulate any response you want. If you want to be mature, if you want to be an adult, then I'm sure you can find better ways of expressing yourself than resorting to childish insults. And that goes for everyone. As corny as it might sound we like to actually respect each other around here, and we like to have a real community. So please remember to respect everyone here, even if your opinion isn't quite the same ;-)
  15. Starwars4J


    Not really sure why this isn't in the Star Wars subforum, so I'll move it. As for the first post, "Well????!?" isn't really a great question. You mean how would a KotOR set fare? Probably so-so. Most of the target audience wouldn't be familiar with them, a fate I fear for the Force Unleashed sets being released currently. I suppose it's possible to release some if the next KotOR comes out before the end of the license though
  16. Starwars4J

    New 7038 Battle Wagon Review.

    This is fantastic, I love the new helmets for the goblins *sweet* I've always loved the chicken leg thing, really screams LEGO to me! At least how LEGO used to be :'-( Great little bit The goblins are awesome too, and the sand green one should look good next to the tan a nice feeling of a real species. In reality not all members of a species are identical, it's great seeing them in different colors. Great review X-D
  17. Starwars4J

    First Brickmaster Set of 2008

    There, I edited one in from Bricklink Happy? :-| :-P
  18. Starwars4J

    Mysterious Cargo?

    Forget radioactive waste, it looks more like human waste :-X
  19. Starwars4J

    First Brickmaster Set of 2008

    It shows up fine for me 8-|
  20. Starwars4J

    A tudor style something

    Fantastic, it's really hard to tell from the picture. If this doesn't convince castlers who are stuck with the bley problem nothing will X-D
  21. Starwars4J

    A tudor style something

    Fantastic work as always, this really makes me want to build something civilian like this... Is this all old gray?
  22. Starwars4J

    First Brickmaster Set of 2008

    They actually used that technique a while ago on one of the best sets they ever made...the Titan XP *wub* So it's not really a new technique
  23. Starwars4J

    Custom Minifigs Showdown

    Hm, since this entire forum is pretty much what this thread is for, I'll close this
  24. Starwars4J

    black falcon army by nausicaakro

    Very impressive! Welcome to EB *sweet* I have my own Black Falcon army...but it's a little more 'in progress' than yours :-P Okay at the moment it's more like a Black Falcon club or something...anyway very nice, that must have cost a fortune :'-(
  25. Starwars4J

    TLG's stupidest decision?

    Hinckley refers to it as frown. The rest of the civilized world calls it rewn :-P