
Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Awesome idea, waiting for the final result gear patterns are a perfect representation of barcodes. Miss this kind of features, and that's sad cable system are not really available now, It blew my mind when I was a child
  2. I hope the reference in studio is not the most exited part of this project Btw here is some progress, the floating conveyor works well, unfortunately, there is no option to turn off this feature. The rotor with buckets and upper conveyor is good too, big thanks for the friends set, I get these incredible round lift arms super cheap. Thinking about adding a 2-speed gearbox for authenticity, and maybe a pullback motor that will power conveyors and the rotor, not sure this is a good idea, but we will see, counterweight is a must. Definitely will make a short reel how to calculate dimensions for images and add them in part designer
  3. Awesome shrinkage! will it have a small winch? maybe just with one hollow round plate on the end?
  4. Good points, I don't want to debate year-long, and totally okay with straight rules and respect them. But I have a few concerns, cmon this is a forum - Some people cant print original Lego graphics on the same polyvinyl as Lego with a proper cutter finishing, and it will one to one looks like genuine stickers on photos (it is not fair, sometimes it costs much cheaper than ordering the original, waiting for delivery, etc.) - Some parts like 77107 exist in yellow, but not already in yellow on Bricklink, so some yellow stripes on pale yellow will be helpful. Small panels exist in dark gray but I need them in light gray, and they can be replaced with liftarms, but the original set has panels in the same place. - Some rubber bands can help to skip mess with the gears on small-scale builds. I already got this case with a bucket excavator, but I still use gears for authenticity, this is the way! And maybe there is no tailor shop in my city but other guys have it, so feel unfair a little bit - Some sets like Nascar car, Extreme off-roader, and Dragster have a lot of stickers initially, and it's part of the design. So compared to a solid white Liebherr excavator, they will look meeh...and it can feels unfair for people who choose these models - Nice camera, studio lighting, or even camera angle can make your model looks better, and also hide some not-fancy parts There are just opinions from the guy who wants a small MK lll label on his build Contests are for fun!
  5. @Jim Hmm... Disappointed a little, cuz it's the same as 3rd party strings and rubber bands, Lego exactly uses it. And it will add some authenticity. But okay, thanks!
  6. Hi! Are custom stickers permitted? (genuine Lego cutout shapes, but custom graphic)
  7. A few more parts later, I switch to propper orthogonal reference, and some details added
  8. It going well, and the proof of concept totally passed
  9. @BusterHausNot sure, but between 2-3:5
  10. Hey! This is my first contest, and I'm excited to shrink a giant excavator to... let's say less massive form. It is still more than 40 studs in length but I found some new parts from Sonic is quite suitable for pit digging. For now its just a proof of concept, but I hope to get these new parts in time to build it in real life, and maybe solve some Issues from the original set
  11. Hello there, part list if somebody needs it https://bricksafe.com/pages/mirrordecks/42160