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Everything posted by PH320

  1. Hi there everyone, new member here. I have a long list of outstanding jobs in life...but one of them was bringing to realisation something which has always fascinated me. Included with a few sets back in the mid-'80s was the below leaflet: In that leaflet was the following truck: So one day revently I set to work on designing it in! Resulting render as below: It is now safely 'in the cloud'! Given there is only 1 picture available I have had to use common sense to design the areas that are not visible structurally spund. I have (yet?) to build it physically. Thoughts/comments/suggestions all welcome. Thanks Davina
  2. PH320

    Hello from me

    Hi, my name is Davina. I have been using Lego all my life & have always made sure I have plenty of space for it in every home I move to., Glad to have found this community as there is a recent design I wish to share with you all. Take care D x