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  1. Hi. Does that mean it can't be recover in any way? :(
  2. Hi Jopiek I tried that. No avail. Steps I took: 1-get another copy of original (just in case); 2-renamed it from ".lxf" to ".rar" 3-opened winrar 4-followed the steps on the link The result was as follows. I'm attaching a printscreen. I was hoping some expert on hex editing could help me out? My knowledge on this is restricted to getting an hex editor and opening the file with it. I don't know what to do next (supposing anything can be done)..
  3. Hi I'm desperately seeking for some help to recover (even if partially) a lxf file I was working on. I'm not sure what happened. Last Saturday I was working on it for a couple hours, doing regular saves (on the same file... yeah I know, that's silly) and after the last save and closing LDD, I just got a BSOD "memory management issue". Have no idea what was it... Thing is, after restarting and trying to open the lxf again, got an "parsing error message, unable to open it"... how frustrating... Did a copy of it, and tried changing its extension to ".zip" and recover the zip. No avail... I haven't done anything else to the original file, just to avoid doing any further damage to it, hoping it could be recovered... Please, can someone help me out? The file is on a bricksafe page "my_castle" flyer's Pages - Bricksafe Cheers