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  1. GridAlien

    Future LEGO Pirates Set Speculation

    Right now, Ol' Redbeard is on backorder on, (and has been for the past week.) The set's also garnered 212 reviews, which is the most of all the sets that I can find which are currently available (most top out in the 150s from what I can tell.) If we assume that of everyone who buys a set, only some fraction, x, leave a review, and that x is relatively constant across all sets, then we can infer how well a set is selling by the number of reviews it earns. By this metric, Barracuda Bay is doing well, an inference bolstered by its current backorder status. If it is retiring (which, honestly, pressing X to doubt super hard on that one) it might be to make way for another ship, as others have said on here. As it's the beginning of leak season, I suppose we'll know one way or the other soon enough.