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About Nicknak

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    Star wars
  • Which LEGO set did you recently purchase or build?
    Corporate Alliance Tank Droid

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    Star wars, lego, tv shows, rugby, gaming


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  1. I've been rewatching The Clone Wars and noticed that in Season 4, Episode 11 (kidnapped), there were both AT-RT's and BARC Speeders deployed by the 501st and 212th. So far this is the only time I've noticed both the vehicles used in the show, and the set is said to be clone wars (as far as I've read) and it's unsure if season 7 would include a scene with both vehicles. It's hopefully an educated speculation (I apologise if it's not and is instead a wishlist kind of post) as it kind of aligns with the leak of there being 501st troopers included and being a clone wars set. Does anybody know of any other scenes that the set could be based off of?