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About FubarCally

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    Technic Commercial themed lego
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  • Gender
  • Interests
    AI/Machine Learning. Computer Science, Gaming, Builder


  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  1. FubarCally

    Sorting Lego - A.I.

    Hi there, I know this is an outdated topic slightly but I am looking into making a lego sorting system that is not just affordable but also works. I am looking into way that it can be run through different covnets, I am just wondering with you guys doing a bit of digging in this matter already. Did you ever find any data sets or anywhere that I can grab a handful of images from that are just lego and not other brand bricks? I am working on a dissertation for my university assignment. So far I have worked through a could of sorting algorithms but the data sets seem, to be really low. i dont have the time to take all the photos that I need so im relying on you guys!! If not I will have to do it all myself which im not too bothered about but will just take some time to do it. If you are wondering on different ways to learn the data sets there is some google software called google colab that is free to use and it saves on the price on buying your own decent GPU. You get a specific time a day but it resets daily so its not too bad. If anyone has any more information on how this maybe possible please feel free to get in touch with me and hopefully I can crate something that can be open source and cheap enough for everyone to use!