Dylan M

Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by Dylan M

  1. ??? sorry for typo error ? Well anyway the BIG one is on his way to my country so untill then I want also to experience what you have experience and tell my story to... -Shalom
  2. ...true holder of what title? For being the largest sets as for pcs counts? Or scale? Is for pcs counts I doubt that, how many pcs goes to Dumb truck?
  3. ...so the 2 rubber band is for B-model they use it for A model only for preventing of getting lost ?
  4. Tnx Men?, so my thoughts ? is right same as 42042 just change it to XL motor So, 3 movement at one ☝️ time ? Thats good just make it XL motor
  5. Okay tnx Men, just wondering if 42082 can do the same of 42042 Yap! Because its a license Model, they have to build it same as the Main model!
  6. Just wondering, is that possible to add 1 more Lever to control 2 functions at one time?(like rising boom while lowering the hook?)
  7. The B model of 42055 is far better 'coz the can Actually Work Together with a little bit of MOD
  8. Don't forget that the Lego give limitation to their designer, that's why there's no set that being Loved at the first place
  9. Younger builds? you are wrong, if you are a true Lego technic followers, you must start MOD it that's what the Lego is... Not for kids? Did you see the age range in front ot the box? now tell me what age is fit for the "kidz"!? One for each A and B model and last for sealed box that's what i did in 42055
  10. This is where our talent start, to MOD this Monster base on our own Desire
  11. Yap! That's what I mean and also minus the ORE(56pcs) I hope the 42082 is more intact in the real inside and tnx for your warm welcome
  12. Thus anyone knows how many pcs BWE is (w/o the Dumb truck and the ORE) i think 42082 is far more parts that 42055