Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by ETAV8R

  1. ETAV8R

    NASA Deep Space Habitat Model and Rover

    Awesome work. Sad the USA isn't moving forward with a manned space program.
  2. ETAV8R

    [LDD MOC] Cloud City

    Incredible work. What about placing the chute on the side somewhere. That way it could hang off the corner of a table or platform and have the play feature. Looking forward to the LDD file.
  3. ETAV8R

    MOC: V22 Osprey

    Nice work thus far. I have a goal of doing something similar in blue with a couple sets from the Alien Conquest line.
  4. ETAV8R

    LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors

    The minifig stormies with the lights in the feet are cool. Not specific for this thread but that would be an awesome mod or if TLG incorporated it into the Ironman fig.
  5. ETAV8R

    2011 Alien Conquest

    It is a scanner. The scientist is looking at a picture of an alien on his monitor. I'm bummed if this line is done so quickly. There was a lot of potential for more.
  6. ETAV8R

    Star Wars sets anyone?

    SoCal Targets are getting the first wave of 2012 Star Wars. Interesting that Anakins Interceptor did not have "special edition" on the packaging. It was on the shelf right next to the Naboo fighter which is a special edition Target exclusive.
  7. ETAV8R

    LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors

    HUH? The videos showed the figs in Jabbas Palace to be nearly done, at least much more than in these pics. Bib's face is Anakins from his new fighter and that is just for starters. Lot's of figs with no printing. What's the deal?
  8. ETAV8R

    2011 Alien Conquest

    The suits in the upcoming movie "Prometheus" look ADU to me...
  9. ETAV8R

    MOC: Halloween style haunted mansion

    Very nice! Fulfills all haunting requirements! Needs some ghosts!
  10. ETAV8R

    Rook & _Publius_

    Awesome diorama! Hopefully TLG sees this and will send us a second wave of Conquesting Aliens! The contrast of grey/bley and the ADU blue is very nice. I like the initial alien craft with the transgreen canopies vs. what ended up in the window display.
  11. The Lego store in Costa Mesa has a bunch of S6. I stopped there today and picked up almost an entire set. I will get the remainder and extras at Target. While at the Lego store I helped a young boy and girl get a couple figures they wanted. Their mom was wanting to get them out of the shop and I found them a space girl just in time. Then when I go to ring up my stash I have more than 16 and the employee says I can only buy 16 per day per Lego policy. What a bunch of BS. No matter she gave in and let me get 3 extra. Got home and found out one isn't what I thought it was. I'll go back and exchange or return them and follow up at Target. While searching I found quite a few Romans but less of the Highlanders. Lots of Minotaurs though.
  12. ETAV8R

    LOTR & The Hobbit 2012

    Does to me but I was strongly chastised for my opinion.
  13. ETAV8R

    Review: 9494 - Anakin's Jedi Interceptor

    Thank you for the pic. Would love to see comparison pictures from different angles too.
  14. ETAV8R

    Review: 9494 - Anakin's Jedi Interceptor

    Great review and pics! I knew I wanted this set from the prelim pics since I missed out on the originals (dark ages). Funny there was a lot of complaining when the actual pics first showed up. It also looks like there is a scratch on the left side of the cockpit. I would contact Lego about that. They will send you another.
  15. ETAV8R

    LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors

    Since I just picked up season 2 of CW some of these set references don't make much sense. I remember seeing OT as a child in theaters. That ship above would be very cool to see made. What is the reference to Palpatines arrest?
  16. ETAV8R

    Attack of the Aliens!

    Amazing! Great job and thank you for someone pointing out what the guy's head is. Even though I have some POTC stuff I didn't recognize it right away.
  17. ETAV8R

    LEGO Superheroes 2012 Rumours & Discussion

    Yeah the past few days at Target(s) have been sad to say the least. They are getting their post-christmas stock in and as of today things are looking better. They also had the Two-Face Chase in today. Even TRU shelves are bare still. I go there checking on the CMF which I know will show up soon.
  18. ETAV8R

    LEGO Superheroes 2012 Rumours & Discussion

    Just picked up 6858 Catwoman Catcycle at Target. Great first Batman set and for $12US not bad. The Catwoman fig is awesome. They had several of the large figures and Catwoman sets plus two of the Batcaves. They also had some of the new forest police and fire sets. Good to see that TRU doesn't have complete dominance for the superhero sets for as long as they usually do.
  19. ETAV8R

    REVIEW: 9493 X-Wing (2012)

    Great review. I too would like to see comparison/side by side pics of the old and new sets. I'm wondering how much effort it would be to change the old set to the new. Can't be that difficult. As far as the new set goes I was on the fence but I do think it looks better albeit the droid should be in the correct orientation. Coulda Shoulda.
  20. ETAV8R

    LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors

    Just noticed in the January catalog it lists both 9494 and 9495 as "Hard to find" which is usually an indicator that these will be store exclusives. Also I don't recall seeing it mentioned that Dutch Vander being listed as Gold Leader which had some debate earlier in this thread.
  21. ETAV8R

    Dino 2012

    I just noticed this too. Seems a bit pricey but may be associated with the dino included.
  22. ETAV8R

    Review: 7066 Earth Defence HQ

    I'm surprised more AFOLs aren't impressed with this set. Those of us 40ish and above might recall an old GI Joe 12" set from the 70s that is a two part vehicle with a control section and big tires. I for one will be very sad if a AC doesn't get a second wave. Hopefully later this year.
  23. ETAV8R

    LEGO Superheroes 2012 Rumours & Discussion

    I know Lego likes to make helmets with holes for eyes, SW clones for example, but what is the point of making the head for Batman with the white stripe on the forehead. The only way the figure can be used is with the cowl on. Why not just keep the eyes filled in on the cowl and print the eye areas. This would allow use of the figures head with the cowl off. I just don't get it.
  24. Stopped at a local Target here in socal and they had a bunch of these and all were marked down 30% along with Atlantis Portal too.