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Posts posted by Blacktron

  1. @leews2001: Yes, I got 3 xenos left right now. In case they will sell out, I'll make a second wave of them. :classic:

    @Giomel & Missing Brick: You guys really make me nervous about building my first the power loader. I love the version of Larry Lars. Accurate and not to oversized, like most you can find around the web.

    Updated list of what's available and ready for shipping. January 2015

    Hicks x 1

    Hudson sold out

    Apone x 1

    Dietrich x 2

    Frost x 2

    Wierzbowski x 2

    Crowe x 2


    Vasquez x 2

    Drake x 2

    Aliens/Xenos x 3

  2. Thanks very much for your feedback, Missing Brick! :classic:

    Yes, I've made a new set of moulds for the regular helmet and the soft cover helmet. The new helmets have a better fit and don't fall off, as some of the old ones did. But nothing about the material I use has changed, it's just the prototype helmets and moulds that have changed. The transparent plastic you see is just the Infrared-Sight-Helmets. They have to be made in transparent plastic, so that the visor is transparent. There is also a little Glow-in-the-Dark-Color in the Mix. Not much, but your visors should glow. It also looks great in the light of a blue LED. :classic:

  3. Thanks very much, dlefik2014. *So much feedback!* *does not compute* *system overload* *system failure* :wacko:

    I've thought about the idea to change this thread these days, so that the newest customs would always be on top of the topic. But I think it's better this way. It shows the evolution Project Colonial Marines has taken from it's beginning pretty good. And you just gave me confirmation for that. Thanks very much for your feedback! :classic:

  4. Thanks very much for the feedback! :-)

    Oh wow, those Zenos look amazing dude! Awesome job, best Lego Zenomorphs I've ever seen for sure!

    Thanks! And that means a lot. I did a google picture search for Xeno Minifigures when mine were completed and there is a lot of them out there. ;-)

    Blacktron, I have to say, your Xenos look fantastic!

    Not only because of the fine job you did with the sculpting, etc. but, because of how you have still managed to keep that classic LEGO 'vibe' for the figs. Even with all of their 'spiky bits', they still give off that classic minifigure feel.

    GREAT job!

    Thanks Ogre! :-)

    I love the Marine figs, too...but, I have to say, I think they would look better if they were all 'fleshies', rather than the mix that you've currently shown...though, I don't know if there is enough of a selection of faces available to you to render each character. Either way, very nicely done. I look forward to seeing more updates on your work!

    A few month ago another fan asked me to use some fleshy arms and hands for the Hicks and Hudson customs I was building for him. I did so and he was very happy with his figures. He converted his Marines to fleshies. I asked him for some pictures of his converted figures but I never got some. So I think I have to build a fleshie squad myself someday. The only problem for me is that most of them would have completely different faces, because the ones I use since years for them aren't available in skin color.Thanks for this suggestion.

  5. Hi Vurt! :-)

    I didn't even know about those Kubrick Aliens. I've googled a few pictures of them a moment ago. It's amazing how close they are to my customs.

    The Baseplate I used for those pictures is the one that came with the Alien Queen from Mc Farlane Toys a few years ago.


    Update 11/2014

    Hicks x 2

    Hudson x 2

    Apone x 2

    Dietrich x 2

    Frost x 2

    Wierzbowski x 2

    Crowe x 2


    Vasquez x 3

    Drake x 2

    Aliens/Xenos x 3

    Smartgunners and Xenos/Aliens are $20, Marines $17, international shipping (insured $10)

    New versions of both Smartgunners are ready. Also made some new Hudsons and Hicks.

  6. Thanks very much for your feedback, vurt! :-)

    I got a new addition for this sale thread. For the first time I will offer some Minifigure Xenos/Aliens. 2 feet glued to the minifigure legs, 2 claws (removable and turnable), turnable head with silver teeth. The Ribcage is like a removable armor with the tubes and tail connected to it.




    You'll find a few more pictures of them in the Custom figures thread:

  7. My first Xenos are ready! Finally I'm pretty much satisfied with the Xeno molds I've made. The Ribcage is like a removable armor with the tail and the tubes connected to it. You can turn the head and the hands, the feet are glued to the minifigure legs. I've completed a first group of 9 warriors. One of them is a gift for my girlfriend, one will be a gift for Missing Brick and I will offer some in the Sale thread. Let's see if I can find a new home for them.






    As always, I'm very thankful for feedback. :classic:

  8. Thanks very much for the feedback, Missing Brick. :classic:

    I'll send you some alien heads when they are ready, so you can try them with the Larry Lars body. I like those brickbuild aliens for the many poses that are possible. But I have a problem with the Fragility. So I will try this different approach. The backside of the upperbody is a real problem with its four tubes and the tail. I'm still looking for a good solution for that.

  9. I've completed a new group of Marines. This time Hudson comes with many extras to recreate his look in the second half of the movie. Also this Vasquez headset is a new piece. I think its an improvement over the older versions. Less complicated to make and less flimsy.


    And my new prototype I'm working on right now. Please don't judge about the final figure based on this picture. It's still work in progress.


    Also my work on two new types of WayYu-troops is complete. Pictures soon...