
Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by SirSven7

  1. SirSven7

    The Lego Castle Crusaders Sets 1984-1992

    Sorry I am not sure what you mean here, if its the bit at the end, I am going to look at the forestmen, wolfpack and black knights (but Falcons first) which is why they are included. its more of a preview of the future rather than what is next on the list. Thanks for all the positive feedback, it gives me the fuel to write more (though a way to improve the article is also welcome)
  2. SirSven7


    I found this on Flickr and even if this is not 100% piraty, I feel this is too nice not to post here, after all we have seen a number of fantastic Nepoleonic Moc's over the last few weeks (which have nothing to do with pirates other than the use of minifigs) so this is "War of Independence" Moc should be just as welcome. (after all it includes Red Coats and 17th centry architecture ) I hope you all approve
  3. SirSven7

    Artillery Battery

    This is really nice, I love the ruins mixed into the cliff, it adds a nice spice of variation. p.s also love the cannons and minifig poses Brilliant Moc
  4. SirSven7

    Retreat from Russia (December 1812)

    I think this is my favorite simply because you rarely see Shako's and Snow mixed together, it's very interesting. Thanks for building it
  5. SirSven7

    Heroica RPG - Heroica Hall

    Whilst listening and enjoying Cinna's tale, Sven looks across to the Quest Board, so his name has not appeared on the List of Hero's required, thats ok, he would get his chance to prove himself at a later date, now all he had to do was enjoy the free food and drink and the company of many good warriors. Maybe he could get used to this. Maybe they would all respect him as a true Knight. Time will tell.
  6. SirSven7

    Heroica RPG - Heroica Hall

    "nice to meet you Cinna of Hauvington" "ha, well yes, all us children would play in the forest dispite what our parents told us, once my farther found out and I was given an awful beating, though that never stopped me." He smile's at the momory. "Once I believe I might have seen something, though I don't know, possibly just the idle wimisy of youth, ha" "so Cronk, Cinna, do you have any childhood tales?"
  7. SirSven7

    Heroica RPG - Heroica Hall

    "the story is a legend from my home village, it is the reason why we where never allowed to play in the forest as a child"
  8. SirSven7

    Heroica RPG - Heroica Hall

    "I know a good story" Sven closes his eyes and starts to recount an old tale told to him when he was very small, he starts of nervious but gets more confidant as he progresses. "There was once a monk at the mission who loved money and power more than he loved God. He would hear the confession of the good folk who attended the mission, and then would blackmail them into giving him gold and silver to keep their darkest secrets. He turned many a wayward sinner's feet towards the fires of hell rather than the gates of heaven, encouraging their crimes in secret while he reviled them in public. It was after he beat one poor old woman to death that the evil monk was imprisoned and sentenced to hang for his crimes. But just after he was cut down from the noose and pronounced dead, his corpse began to transform before the horrified eyes of the people. The face twisted and small tusks sprang from either side of his nose. His shock of white hair grew long and greasy, and two pointed canines emerged from his slit of a mouth. The goblin-monk opened eyes that glowed yellow even in the light of noon-day, and sprang to feet that now ended in claws rather than toes. The people screamed and fled, and no prayer of his former brothers-in-faith could banish the goblin. It disappeared deep into the forest, only to return at night and prey upon the monks of the mission who had been responsible for its death. After five of the brothers had fallen to the goblin, the rest of the monks abandoned the mission and moved to another part of the country. Since that time, the mission-house had slowly fallen into ruin." After the story, Sven smiles softly to himself and returns to his meal.
  9. SirSven7

    Heroica RPG - Heroica Hall

    The door of Heroica Hall creaks open, almost as if someone is trying desperately not to be noticed; peaking around carefully, the Mighty Knight Sir Sven walks nonchalantly into the hall, a stride of someone desperately trying to appear nonchalant and hence making themselves appear less confident than a sheep surrounded by wolves. Ordering a meal and a flagon of buttermilk, Sven takes a set and waits for the evens of the evening to unfold.
  10. SirSven7

    Heroica RPG General Discussion

    Thanks Sandy that makes alot of sense, I will stick with just the one application for now, as I feel it works for my character
  11. SirSven7

    Heroica RPG General Discussion

    Hello all, just a question but does signing up for all the quest make it more likely for you to recieve a quest, or not as alot of people have signed up of all three now and Im not sure if I should too? cheers all
  12. SirSven7

    The Purge of Evil (MOC)

    This is really good, I love the ramp and the wall design, it looks very interesting. truely brilliant please don't end the series
  13. SirSven7

    Heroica RPG - Heroica Hall

    "Well that is a sad tale, Killer Manatees, the fat sea cows, I almost don't believe it " "thanks for noticing the armour it is an antique but finly crafted, and Dwarf Steel never loses its strength"
  14. SirSven7

    Heroica RPG - Heroica Hall

    "are you talking to me?" "well its an honour to met you your Highness, one question though are you not required in your kingdom, I thought being a King was something you couldn't abandon to go off questing" "I am Sir Sven, a mighty Knight"
  15. SirSven7

    Heroica RPG - Heroica Hall

    Having avoided the hall over the past few days (for fear of being discovered) Sven walked back into the hall. Bedroll and potions tucked into his knapsack Sven walked up to the bar maid and ordered a hearty breakfast, “some buttermilk for me too please”, (its best to keep a clear head). Checking the message board Sven could see that there where a great deal of signed people for each quest; hopefully he would be one of them to actually participate. Now to play the waiting game, Sven sat down in a quiet corner of the bar (taking care to avoid the other occupant eating breakfast) and waited to see how the day would develop. At least the breakfast was free.
  16. SirSven7

    Heroica RPG General Discussion

    Thank you very much I have now added this pic as my signature, love the blue border sorry I didn't have the right size pic, I didn't realise, it won't happen again. cheers
  17. SirSven7

    Heroica RPG - Marketplace

    Seeing that the market place had opened, Sven made his way over and started browsing the available wares, He liked it here, it was less crowded, to many people gave him anxiety, they might see him for a fraund. Going over to Portia's Potion Shack he quickly buys a potion for 5 Gold, then seeing the little Gnome fellow he hands him another 5 gold for a bedroll. ((Summary: Portia's Potion Shack -- 1 potion at 5 gold total. Gnomeo's Toolshed -- 1 bedroll at 5 gold total. Grand total of 10 gold spent o gold left)) His spending had left him poor in pocket but rich in items.
  18. SirSven7

    Heroica RPG - Heroica Hall

    Sven awoke with his face stuck to the table with a mixture of alcohol and his own drool, clearly he had drank far too much the previous evening, all he remembered was announcing “cheers” and then downing his first flagon. He had best be careful least he become like his father (and indeed many of his ancestors and their ill-gotten ilk). Staggering upright and trying to retain as much composure as possible, Sven quickly exited the bar and decided to find the nearest cheapest tavern, where he would beg the owner to allow him to sleep in the stable for free. Sometimes he felt like a complete failure. He would make amends.
  19. SirSven7

    Heroica RPG - Heroica Hall

    Sven decided that he liked this man, sure he made himself feel inadequate and ashamed of his equipment but then again, everything did. Perhaps if people see the two of us together they will believe I am an actual Knight, With that though firmly lodged within his head he gave his fellow knight a small nod and picked up one of the two flagons placed on the table by the Orc Maid. “Cheers” And with that he drank.
  20. SirSven7

    Heroica RPG - Heroica Hall

    Sven looked up at the Knight, his wavy blond hair and glorious armour made him look like a knight of old from the classic stories. His shield even had a coloured symbol upon it; Sven’s shield was so old that the image underneath the damage of countless battles was farcical at best. What was that a dog!! This man had an actual companion, one that would not judge or insult him. Then he walked over to him, then he started speaking, ohhh god, he recognised my emblem, he knows my family, what can I say. Then he offered his hand. Sven stared at it for a second and the grasped it. “Hard times, HA, hardly this armour may look old but I don it simply on request from my farther, indeed that was my relation who fought alongside yours. This armour may be old but out of honour for my Great Great Grandfather, I have been commanded by my Farther to wear this until I become one of the greatest champions to walk these halls. Indeed life has been so good for the Sven Family we happily accept a challenge, ha” Sven realised he had been shaking this knights hand the entire time he had been talking. He quickly let go.
  21. SirSven7

    Heroica RPG - Heroica Hall

    From his quiet corner Sven watched the other inhabitants, some he knew, and some he did not. Suddenly he saw himself, this version of him had lankier hair and was covered in a fur cloak but still it was his own visage Surly they could not be related, this guy was a Norse Barbarian and he was fated to be a Knight Sven decided that he would have to watch this Norse Man very closely, very closely indeed Maybe they would be friends. Maybe.
  22. SirSven7

    MOC: Heroica Hall

    This moc is what inspired me to create my little story when I joined. I want to know whats behind those two doors next to the quest board very nice
  23. SirSven7

    Heroica RPG General Discussion

    Hello all, I have joined this amazing game, just thought I would post my greetings here also. Can't wait for my first quest I would just like to take this moment to say thank you Sandy for Creating this and letting it be open for all Thanks
  24. SirSven7

    Heroica RPG - Heroica Hall

    Entering the Hall and too nervous to speak to any actual Hero’s (least they notice his lowly status and demand his remove from the Halls), Noble Sir Sven walks up to the Quest Board and immediately Signs up For Quest #1. With that done he makes his way to a quiet corner to practise his enunciation.
  25. SirSven7

    Heroica RPG - Heroica Hall

    Sven a simple dirt shovelling peasant made his way over to the tavern where he knew his farther would be drinking away the meagre family coffers. He had been summoned and despite a secret resentment, he would obey. My son, you have heard of Heroica Hall, a place for hero’s and mighty deeds. Well I have something to tell you, we were not always peasant our family was once noble and possibly even mighty. I want you to redeem the family name; you have the blood of a Hero inside of you. I have left you an heirloom from your great, great, great, grandfather, its underneath the tree you used to play by as a child. It should help. Beneath the tree in an old ale barrel (typical of his father) Sven found something far more interesting than a simple necklace or family tome. No it was armour and a sword and shield, possibly not the greatest but still something (after all vintage equipment was very in season at the moment). Quickly donning the gear Sven realised who he was. He was a Knight, he was a Hero, He is Sir Sven. Sir Sven, Level 1 Knight 23-year old human male Power: 4 Health: 10 Gold: 10 Inventory: Ancestors’ Sword(WP: 3),Ancestors' Shield (SP 2), Potion (1)