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About gmsracing

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  1. gmsracing

    Review: 75827 Ghostbusters Firehouse Headquarters

    Really disapointed in the back and the door swing. Those are major design flaws. With the back the way it is you can't display it in a modular town without mods. Almost need to cannibilize a fire brigade to fix it. Now I know why none of the previosly released pics showed the back.....
  2. gmsracing

    My modular town layout

    Yes, but I wanted it to be accessible to my 5 yr old. I've also had it on the dining room table-but then my wife wanted to have some people over. I tried to design the layout so my son can can access to it as much as possible. That is why it has a "ring road." My cat pretty much leaves it alone, although she has barfed on it a few times! Yes, I bought two GE's. I supplemented the bottom story with my own bricks and the base came from the last gas station that had the small car wash attached to it. The top two floors of each "set" are connected (so they are one long piece) but there is currently a wall separating the inside. (The original exterior wall of the GE.) I was a bit lazy building it and I need to go back and take the now internal wall out and maybe put in some decorative arches or something like that to help support the story above it. At the time I was debating on weather or not to keep the 2 sets so I didn't want to just rip into the 1st corner model. I guess now that they have been built for about a year I'm keeping them both!
  3. gmsracing

    My modular town layout

    It looks like the folder is public now.
  4. gmsracing

    My modular town layout

    I'm not quite sure why it isn't public. I didn't see any thing to check/uncheck when I uploaded the photos. I also uploaded them over a day ago. Does it take a while for the site to make it active?
  5. gmsracing

    My modular town layout

    I posted a pic earlier on another tread, but I thought I'd open up a new thread with a link to brickshelf of my town layout. I wasn't able to post additional pics on this site. It is a modular design and all of the floors of the buildings can come on/off in Cafe Corner style. I'm not into the interiors too much--I've concentrated on the exterior designs. I have a difficult time maintaining the town (so please excuse some incompleteness) as my 5 year old son is constantly knocking things down, modifying things, or "borrowing" pieces for his own designs. But that is part of the fun! Next up is a train station using a couple of apple tree houses so I have somewhere for the Emerald Night to be.
  6. gmsracing

    Longest Modular, who has it?

    Having trouble uploading any decent images, but here is my city. It's not the biggest, but it is what I've got so far.