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About Emoryy

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  1. Yepp, Linux. More specifically Arch Linux, everything updated to the latest. http://pastebin.com/13hz9qyj It says that "Core dumps have been disabled. To enable core dumping, try "ulimit -c unlimited" before starting Java again". Do you need that too?
  2. This actually helped somewhat, I mean after making the config file with the correct path of the db, the window of the application shows up. But it seems that every open dialog has the bug, the "Import lxf" and "Open design" both are causing a fatal error, and the application crashes.
  3. Hi! Could I ask for a little help? I'm trying to use Blueprint on linux (Arch Linux), but it doesn't seem to start. I use the command invocation that can be found in the .bat file. It gives the folloving output in the terminal, however I get nothing else, no window appears: $ java -Djava.library.path=native -jar bin/blueprint.jar Operating system detected: Linux Starting Blueprint v0.0.1.6beta.. Good luck! Current folder: /home/emoryy/prog/Blueprint0016 I also tried Bluerender, which starts and runs without an issue. Thanks!