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Posts posted by jonfett

  1. Hehe, funny episode. Very good, liked it. Though perhaps Cassandra coulda possessed her old self, and just carried on through a loop forever.

    That's what I thought, but it probably would have killed her or her memory. It was an ok episode, the effects were ok but the storyline was just lacking some of the last series. I agree with Sarg in that the acting wasnt great, in fact really annoying! Next weeks episode doesnt look that brilliant.. I just want the cybermen!


  2. Just thought I'd point out the Google keeps a database of everybody's searches....just so you know.

    How does this affect what we are doing? As far as I am aware we are not abusing or mis-using Google. Anyway..




  3. Just thought I would point out that Googles friend Jeeves popped up today as well! So before anyone starts asking about them as well.. I will point out that it is a bot just like google, only it got jealous of google so came scouting around here to see what it was missing. Poor old bots :sleep:



  4. I will probably watch it, but I don't think David Tennant will be as good as Christopher Ecleston. From the trailer the new effects look good, but I doubt the stories or acting will beat the last series.


  5. Thanks for the quality pictures Yoda! I think mace looks much better with his new saber. Its pretty cool that you get that extra white clone, there was an abudance of plain clones in the original release of ep III sets.. too bad that this didnt get released instead of the original, I'm sure we all agree that LULS mace was pretty crap! Thanks for the pics anyway Yoda!
