
Eurobricks Citizen
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Posts posted by Manx

  1. Awesome looking ship!

    Thank you, Windusky!

    Cool ship! Reminds me of the Twilight from The Clone Wars.

    Thanks. I really like the Twillight, so I used simillar pattern in most (maybe even all) of my ships.

    Very good work! I like the cockpit :thumbup: .

    Thanks! I'm glad you like the cockpit., it's a bit experimental, I've never used SNOT for ships before.

  2. Shadows of Nar Eurbrikka: Episode XI: Cracking Down

    I've been part of the rebellion for more than two years, so I got used to do all sorts of things. I visited numerous planets and met a lot of different beings. Many missions were successful and after some time, I was promoted in Alliance intelligence. I had to search for Boba Fett and report his locations to combat troops. But during those trips I learned many more things and if I complete my work in the next mission I may get promoted to a higher rank, Special force. But what exactly do I have to do? After unsuccessful mission in space, when Alliance fell in Empire's trap on Suprosa, all members involved must hide on Kuat. Furthermore, our mission is to crack the Super-computer or find a technician who will do it.

    I just landed on Kuat. In a secret underground hangar, to be precise. It was a hard trip, because I had to avoid Imperial trackers and I had to drive as fast as I could. I managed to get a quite good ship. Since I'm used to drive this kind of ship, I was happy to find out it has one large engine and one large wing. And it's small enough to squeeze almost everywhere.


    The hangar suprised me. I expected something a lot dirtier. I landed and got out of the ship. Instructions were to wait in the hangar, until someone comes to me and tells me furher instructions. During the waiting I took time to take a look of my vessel. I hope they will let me have it, I've been searching for something like this since I had to left my previous ship on Hoth.


    The ship is really small, but it has some nice weapons. Those small guns on the front couldn't be better for targeting TIEs. And that missile on the engine might be even a bit to heavy for this small vessel.


    I'm very satisfied with the engine, it's really strong, some small modifications could make it usable for a podracer. And the wing is quite well balanced.


    I just have to make some modifications on the back of the ship, It wouldn't be bad if it could hold some cargo.


    But I'll be thinking more about this ship some other time, I think I hear the steps ...

  3. Shadows of Nar Eurbrikka: Episode IX: Tundras of Toola III: Frozen Mushrooms

    My last assignment on Toola and then I'll finally be able to leave this cold planet. Alliance is doing jobs for Black Sun. My mission? Find fungi glacialus and deliver it to Hutts on Nar Eurbrikka. It sounds hard and it is hard. They grow only in few parts in the Frozen Valley and as it's name says, it won't be really comfortable job. But after few hours I was lucky, I saw some on the other bank of the river ...

    All this for a mushroom soup!


    I was hoping to make something bigger but because of lack of time I simply cannot. But, better this than nothing, I hope others are going to make something better ...