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JetBricks Studios

[R4 - Ziost - CE] Horrors Awakened

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Report Author: Constantine Vindicus 

 Time: 2100 GST

Location: Ziost

Mission: Eridicate the Raider Presence from Ziost

Needless to say I was a bit worried about more raiders returning. Obviously they had issues with people trekking through the ruins, so I got out of there and tried to hide out somewhere. But I’m not one to wait and hide, so I obviously got antsy while waiting for backup. I set off and found the raider camp all right. And when I tried to attack I was unfortunately outnumbered and soon overpowered. However, they didn’t kill me, merely captured me and began to drag me off to their leader. They took me to a cave where he resided. He was a man cloaked in red, even wearing a red mask. He called himself the Crimson Bandit. I just called him Red. Unfortunately Red didn’t like me all that much. He dragged me off by himself into a deeper part of the caves.




He brought me to a large room with men robed in black, standing around a Pau on a throne with flames beside him. The Pau introduced himself as the Grand Master, and he was holding the most enchanting red crystal I had ever seen. It seemed to whisper to me, and it seemed to hold great power. The Grand Master noticed me staring at it and explained that he and the other robed men were Masters of the Crystal. They worshipped it, and in exchange, it gave them great power. The raiders, he said, brought them people to sacrifice, and in exchange were allowed to use the caves as their base of operations. When I asked him about the sacrifice part he said I’d find out soon enough. Needless to say that made me uneasy. Then Red left and it was just me and the Cloaks. Suddenly they got up and seemed to almost emit a sort of darkness. The others began to huddle around me and bend toward me as the Grand Master reached out his hand. It shot a sort of red energy from it as the crystal began to glow. He cackled as everything around me seemed to be consumed by the darkness, until it all went black.

<End Transmission>


Edited by goatman461

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