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Lego and Bigfig Molds

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Why is it that each and every Bigfig body has to be its own mould. Hulk, Darkseid, Mungus, Green Goblin. All of them have the exact same body mould. (Save for Mungus) But since they each have a different head mould. A separate mould is required to make each of them.

Why not instead use a body mould that has a peg on it like Mungus and then mould separate heads that can be connected. I'm sure it would save costs to not make new body moulds for Bigfigs that only end up being in one or two sets.

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The new Hulk looks like a 2-piece mold, probably to deal with this exact issue.

It also has toe-printing and not molded toes. I think that they will start using the bottom part on most BigFigs and just mold a different head/shoulders. Unfortunately for customizers, LEGO molds the two parts together during production, but they have taken steps to reduce their costs in this department, thus giving us the same mold for the lower half of the BigFigs.

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